Create a New MPLAB® Harmony v3 Project

This page shows you how to create a new MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) Harmony project from scratch.

Before doing this, you'll need to do the following:


In MPLAB X IDE, select File > New Project. Select 32-bit MCC Harmony Project and click Next.

If you don't see this option, you haven't installed the MCC. See above for details.



Browse to the folder you downloaded the framework to. If you haven't done this, or want to download it to a different folder, choose the folder path where you want to download it. Click Next.



Name and Location window:
Location Choose a folder to hold your project. You'll probably want to dedicate the framework download folder for framework files only, so do not choose that.
Folder Choose an MPLAB X physical project name.
Name Choose an MPLAB X logical project name (this can be different from the physical name).
Path You cannot change this. It's generated by the selections above.

To get a better understanding, click on the Show Visual Help button for an explanation.


Click Next.


Choose a name for the MPLAB X IDE project configuration (or just keep the default name). Select the target device for your project and click Finish.

Microchip has hundreds of 32-bit devices. Use the Device Family and/or Device Filter fields to narrow the Target Device selection.


Note: If the Finish button is greyed out and if you are seeing the Update device pack button is enabled, then click on the Update device pack button to update the device pack.



Your new project will open in the IDE and the MCC Content Manager Wizard will automatically open.


Select MPLAB Harmony by clicking the Select MPLAB Harmony button

Download MPLAB Harmony Framework

MCC includes the MCC Content Manager wizard tool. This tool includes a downloader that reads the MPLAB Harmony GitHub repository to create a list of available packages. You choose which packages you want to download from this list.


If you have not downloaded the required MPLAB Harmony packages like csp, dev_packs and mhc, then you will see the screen below on the MCC Content Manager wizard window.


These packages are required packages to develop any MPLAB Harmony project.
Also, you can download the optional contents like core, graphics, bootloader, network, USB and so many other MPLAB-Harmony packages.



After the required MPLAB Harmony packages are selected, click on the Finish button to launch MCC.


The Finish button may show busy status because it is downloading the requested packages. The time taken for the downloading of packages varies depending on the size of the package(s) you have chosen.


The MCC plugin’s main window for the project will be displayed.

  • Resource Manager has two sections, one is Project Resources and another one is Device Resources.
    • Project Resources The project resources area displays all of the peripherals currently configured for the project. For example, CMSIS and Device Family Packs (DFP). Select the peripheral here, and the peripheral is ready to be configured in the Composer area. In the Project Resource area, the System module is always present. The System module simplifies the setting of configuration bits and configures the system clock.
    • Device Resources The Device resources area displays available peripherals for the device. Click on the peripheral you want to add to your project. The peripheral moves to the MCC Project Resources area and is ready to be configured to your project's requirements. For example, Harmony Peripheral Libraries (PLIBs) for your device.
  • Versions show MCC plugin version information and different libraries and their version. For example, the supported Harmony v3 library.
  • Project Graph: shows the instantiated components. You can instantiate available components by double-clicking on the component in the Device Resources panel. After successful component instantiation, you can see the instantiated components under the Project Resources panel.
  • Configuration Options: displays the tree view of the selected component under the Project Graph area. You can configure the selected component in this section.

Tool Tip: MCC, by default, has Autosave MCC configuration File option enabled. If you want to disable the MCC autosave option, go to Tools > Options. After opening the Options window, go to Plugins and disable the Autosave MCC configuration file option.


If you would rather learn how to open one of the many demonstration application projects that are included in the Harmony framework, visit the "Open an Existing MPLAB Harmony Project" page.

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