Lab 3: Move Application into an RTOS

Step 7: Add Code to USB Debug Application Task

The application is already developed and is available in the following files.

  • app_usb.c
  • app_usb.h

They are available under
<your unzipped folder path>\getting_started_pic32_wfi32e\Lab3\dev_files.

The application file contains the application logic. It also contains placeholders that you will populate with the necessary code.


Go to the <your unzipped folder path>\getting_started_pic32_wfi32e\Lab3\dev_files folder and copy the pre-developed files:

  • app_usb.c
  • app_usb.h

Paste and replace (overwrite) your project files in <your harmony 3 project folder path>\PIC32_WFI32E\firmware\src with the copied files.

Tip: Search for the string "Step #" in the target file to locate the position where you are supposed to write the code.


Open app_usb.c and follow the steps below.


Create a queue for print operations over USB.

Search for "Step #4a":

  • Create a queue using the FreeRTOS function xQueueCreate(uxQueueLength, uxItemSize), capable of containing 10 pointers to char (string).
    • uxQueueLength is the size of the queue. Use the pre-defined macro APP_USB_QUEUE_SIZE (for this queue, the size is 10).
    • uxItemSize is the item size in the queue. Use the pre-defined macro APP_USB_QUEUE_ITEM_SIZE (for this queue, it is a size of a pointer to a char).
    • This function returns the reference of the queue. Use USBQueueHandle to store the handler.


Fill the USB queue with the string to print.

Search for "Step #4b":

  • Here you will fill the content of the function bool APP_PRINT_STRING(char *str, bool isrFlag).
  • Because this queue doesn't have a size of one element, the function xQueueOverwrite() cannot be used.
  • So here, you will use either the FreeRTOS function xQueueSendToBack() or xQueueSendToBackFromISR() if the function is called from an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR).
  • Check the status of the variable isr, which is available in the scope of the function APP_PRINT_STRING().
  • xQueueSendToBack( xQueue, pvItemToQueue, xTicksToWait )
    • xQueue is the handle of the queue. Use USBQueueHandle.
    • pvItemToQueue is a pointer to the item that is to be placed on the queue. Use the address of the pointer str (&str), which is passed from the other applications through APP_PRINT_STRING().
    • xTicksToWait is the maximum time that the function should take to write the item into the queue. Here, use one sec, which is pre-defined in APP_QUEUE_DELAY.
    • The function returns pdTRUE if the data was successfully sent to the queue.
  • xQueueSendToBackFromISR( xQueue, pvItemToQueue, pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken )
    • xQueue is the handle of the queue. Use USBQueueHandle.
    • pvItemToQueue is a pointer to the item that is to be placed on the queue. Use the address of the pointer str (&str), which is passed from the other applications through APP_PRINT_STRING().
    • pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken to be set to pdFALSE because the USB task does not have a higher priority than the other tasks that can call this function.
    • The function returns pdTRUE if the data was successfully sent to the queue.


Locate the state machine code in APP_USB_Tasks().


  • The code for the states APP_USB_STATE_NOT_READY and APP_USB_STATE_IDLE have been already implemented.
  • In APP_USB_STATE_IDLE, the code implements the following FreeRTOS functions:
    • uxQueueMessagesWaiting() to wait until the queue is filled.
    • uxQueueReceive() to read from the message queue.

Search for "Step #5":

  • In the APP_USB_STATE_PRINT state, use the function SYS_DEBUG_MESSAGE() to print the received string.

Next Step >

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