Development Board Info (Device, Clock, Debug Pins) for Harmony v2

Most of the following development boards have MPLAB® Harmony Board Support Packages (BSPs). The information in the following table was obtained from the schematics found at the end of the Development Board User's Guides.

Development Board BSP name Board Part # PIC32 Part # Primary OSC ICSP Pins
chipKIT® uC32 n/a TDGL017 PIC32MX340F512 8 MHz Crystal PGED2/PGEC2
chipKIT WF32 chipkit_wf32 TDGL021 PIC32MX695F512L 8 MHz Crystal PGED2/PGEC2
chipKIT Wi-FIRE (Rev C) chipkit_wifire TDGL021-2 PIC32MZ2048EFG100 24 MHz Clock PGED2/PGEC2
chipKIT Wi-FIRE (Rev B) chipkit_wifire TDGL021-2 PIC32MZ2048ECG100 24 MHz Clock PGED2/PGEC2
PIC32MX1/2/5 Starter Kit pic32mx_125_sk DM320100 PIC32MX570F512L 8 MHz Crystal PGED2/PGEC2
PIC32 Bluetooth Starter Kit pic32mx_bt_sk DM320018 PIC32MX270F256D 12 MHz Crystal PGED4/PGEC4
PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit pic32mx_eth_sk DM320004 PIC32MX795F512L 8 MHz Crystal PGED2/PGEC2
PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit II pic32mx_eth_sk2 DM320004-2 PIC32MX795F512L 8 MHz Crystal PGED2/PGEC2
PIC32 USB Starter Kit 2 pic32mx_usb_sk2 DM320003-2 PIC32MX795F512L 8 MHz Crystal PGED2/PGEC2
PIC32 USB Starter Kit 3 pic32mx_usb_sk3 DM320003-3 PIC32MX470F512L 8 MHz Crystal PGED2/PGEC2
PIC32MZ EC Starter Kit pic32mz_ec_sk DM320006 PIC32MZ2048ECH144 24 MHz Clock PGED2/PGEC2
PIC32MZ EC Starter Kit with Crypto Engine pic32mz_ec_sk DM320006-C PIC32MZ2048ECM144 24 MHz Clock PGED2/PGEC2
PIC32MZ EC with FPU (EF) Starter Kit pic32mz_ef_sk DM320007 PIC32MZ2048EFH144 24 MHz Clock PGED2/PGEC2
PIC32MZ EC with FPU (EF) Starter Kit with Crypto Engine pic32mz_ef_sk DM320007-C PIC32MZ2048EFM144 24 MHz Clock PGED2/PGEC2

It is important that you specify the correct PIC32 pins that are physically connected to your programmer/debugger. If not, you will not be able to debug the PIC32. However, you will still be able to program it.

Higher-pin count PIC32 devices have multiple pairs of pins that can be used for In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) and debugging. These pins are named PGECx and PGEDx (enhanced versions of the program clock and program data pins). MHC allows you to specify which pair of pins is used for the ICSP connection. It modified the In-Circuit Emulator/Debugger Communication Channel Select (ICESEL) bits in one of the device configuration registers (see the data sheet for details).

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