Each of the links below contains a downloadable, fully-functional example project. Detailed instructions on how the project was created are also provided.
USART Static Driver Example Using chipKIT® WF32
The USART Static Driver Example Using chipKIT® WF32 example project uses the USART Static Driver Library to control a single USART. A computer-based terminal program (e.g. Tera Term or CoolTerm) is used to transmit a character to the PIC32 USART. The PIC32 then increments the ASCII value of the character by one and transmits this new character back to the terminal program. In other words, if you transmit the character 'b' to the PIC32, it will reply with the character 'c'.
USART Dynamic Driver Example Using chipKIT® WF32
The USART Dynamic Driver Example Using chipKIT® WF32 example project uses the USART Dynamic Driver Library to control a single USART. A computer-based terminal program (e.g. Tera Term or CoolTerm) is used to transmit a character to the PIC32 USART. The PIC32 then increments the ASCII value of the character by one and transmits this new character back to the terminal program. In other words, if you transmit the character 'b' to the PIC32, it will reply with the character 'c'.