MPLAB® Harmony v2 TCP/IP Stack Overview

Communication over the internet is accomplished by implementing the IP protocol. Functions like web pages, email, and FTP are advanced services that are part of a full IP stack implementation. Microchip offers a free full TCP/IP software stack optimized for the PIC32 family of MCUs and it operates seamlessly with Microchip's standalone Ethernet controllers (ENC28J60/ENC624J600) and WiFi modules (MRF24WG0M).

MPLAB® Harmony TCP/IP compliant software is also available from third-party companies.

The MPLAB Harmony TCP/IP Stack provides a foundation for embedded network applications by handling most of the interaction required between the physical network port and your application. It includes modules for several commonly used application layers, including HTTP for serving web pages, SMTP for sending emails, SNMP for providing status and control, Telnet, TFTP, Serial-to-Ethernet and much more. In addition, the stack includes lightweight and high-performance implementations of the TCP and UDP transport layers, as well as other supporting modules such as IP, ICMP, DHCP, ARP, and DNS.

Key Features:

  • IPv6 support (gold certified)
  • Fully dynamic:
    • Stack initialization/de-initialization
    • Interface up/down
    • Resource management
    • Module configuration
  • Multiple interfaces (Ethernet and WiFi)
  • Run-time configuration (console)
  • Interrupt driven operation
  • Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) friendly

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Harmony TCP/IP Stack Tutorial
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Introduction to TCP/IP
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