ADC Peripheral Library Interface for Harmony v2

Detailed descriptions for this library can be found in the MPLAB® Harmony Documentation.

Interface Header File

The interface to the ADC library is defined in the header file PLIB_ADC, which is included by the library header file PERIPHERAL. Any C language source (.c) file that uses the ADC library must include a peripheral header file.

ADC Library Interface

The library interface routines are divided into various sub-sections which address the overall operation of the ADC Peripheral Library. Below is a summary of the library interface and its descriptions.

Library Interface Section Description
General Configuration • Positive/negative voltage reference selection
• Channel group selection
• Positive/negative channel selection
• Add/remove channels for scan
• Enable/disablle the ADC module
• Enable/disable the calibration
• Enable/disable stop in Idle
• Enable/disable internal reference channel
MUX Selection and Channel Scan • Positive/negative input selection for MUX A/MUX B: channel 0
• Positive/negative input selection for MUX A/MUX B: channels 1, 2, 3
• Enable/disable MUX A scan
Sample and Hold Control Logic • Sampling start/stop, status
• Enable/disable sample auto start
• Acquisition/auto-sample time selection
• Max/min sample value
• Sample mode control: Alternate Input, Simultaneous, Sequential, etc
• Sample per interrupt selection
Conversion Control Logic • Conversion start/status
• Conversion clock selection set/get
• Conversion clock source selection
• Conversion trigger source selection
• Enable/disable conversion stop sequence
Output Configuration • Result size selection
• Result format selection
• Result buffer fill status
• Result buffer mode select
• Getting the result sign
• Result: 8-bit, 10-bit, or 12-bit
• Result based on the buffer index
DMA Transactions • Enable/disable DMA
• DMA address increment rate selection
• Buffer build mode selection
• Buffers per analog input selection
Channel Pairs Control • Pair sample status get/clear function
• Interrupt request control
• Conversion start/status function
• Conversion trigger source selection
Miscellaneous • Early interrupt control through interrupt generation after the first or second conversion
• Global software trigger control
• Asynchronous dedicated sampling control
• ADC Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) jump table address setting
• Conversion order selection based on even/odd input
Feature Existence Functions Determine whether or not a particular feature is supported by the device

ADC General Configuration

Function Name Description
PLIB_ADC_Enable ADC module is enabled (turned ON)
PLIB_ADC_Disable ADC module is disabled (turned OFF)
PLIB_ADC_StopInIdleDisable Continue the ADC module operation when the device is in Idle mode
PLIB_ADC_StopInIdleEnable Discontinue the ADC module operation when the device enters Idle mode
PLIB_ADC_VoltageReferenceSelect Voltage reference configuration
PLIB_ADC_CalibrationEnable Calibration is performed on the next ADC conversion
PLIB_ADC_CalibrationDisable Normal ADC module operation (no calibration is performed)
PLIB_ADC_InputSelectPositive Positive analog input channel selection
PLIB_ADC_InputSelectNegative Negative analog input channel selection
PLIB_ADC_InputScanMaskAdd Selects the ADC analog channel for input scan
PLIB_ADC_InputScanMaskRemove Omits the ADC analog channel for input scan
PLIB_ADC_InputScanMaskAddExtended Selects the extended ADC analog channel for input scan
PLIB_ADC_InputScanMaskRemoveExtended Omits the extended ADC analog channel for input scan
PLIB_ADC_InternalReferenceChannelEnable Internal reference input is enabled
PLIB_ADC_InternalReferenceChannelDisable Internal reference input is disabled
PLIB_ADC_ChannelGroupSelect Selects channels to be utilized

DMA Transactions

Function Name Description
PLIB_ADC_DMAAddressIncrementSelect Selects the increment rate for the DMA address
PLIB_ADC_DMABufferModeSelect DMA Buffer Build mode
PLIB_ADC_DMADisable Disables the ADC Direct Memory Access (DMA)
PLIB_ADC_DMAEnable Enables the ADC Direct Memory Access (DMA)
PLIB_ADC_DMAInputBufferSelect Selects the number of DMA buffer locations per analog input

Conversion Control Logic

Function Name Description
PLIB_ADC_ConversionStart Starts the manual conversion process of the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ConversionHasCompleted Provides the conversion completion status of the ADC
PLIB_ADC_ConversionTriggerSourceSelect Selects the conversion trigger source
PLIB_ADC_ConversionStopSequenceEnable Stops the conversion sequence (when the first ADC module interrupt is _ generated)
PLIB_ADC_ConversionStopSequenceDisable Normal conversion sequence
PLIB_ADC_ConversionClockSet Sets the ADC module conversion clock
PLIB_ADC_ConversionClockGet Obtains the conversion clock
PLIB_ADC_ConversionClockSourceSelect Selects the ADC module conversion clock source
PLIB_ADC_ConversionTriggerGroupSelect Selects the conversion trigger source group
PLIB_ADC_ConversionOrderSelect Selects the conversion order

Sample and Hold Control Logic

Function Name Description
PLIB_ADC_SampleAutoStartDisable Sampling auto-start is disabled
PLIB_ADC_SampleAutoStartEnable Sampling auto-start is enabled
PLIB_ADC_SampleMaxGet Provides the maximum sample value
PLIB_ADC_SampleMinGet Provides the minimum sample value
PLIB_ADC_SamplesPerInterruptSelect Interrupts at the completion of conversion for each nth sample
PLIB_ADC_SamplingIsActive Provides the ADC sampling status
PLIB_ADC_SamplingModeSelect Enables the selected sampling mode
PLIB_ADC_SamplingStart Sampling is enabled
PLIB_ADC_SamplingStop Holding is enabled
PLIB_ADC_SampleAcquisitionTimeSet Sets the ADC acquisition/auto-sample time in TADs

Channel Pairs Control

Function Name Description
PLIB_ADC_PairConversionIsPending Informs whether conversion is pending or complete
PLIB_ADC_PairConversionStart Starts conversion of the requested ADC pair
PLIB_ADC_PairInterruptAfterFirstConversion ADC pair conversion interrupt is generated after the first conversion
PLIB_ADC_PairInterruptAfterSecondConversion ADC pair conversion interrupt is generated after the second conversion
PLIB_ADC_PairInterruptRequestDisable Disable IRQ generation for the ADC pair
PLIB_ADC_PairInterruptRequestEnable Enable IRQ generation for the ADC pair
PLIB_ADC_PairSampleIsAvailable Provides status of the ADC pair sample availability in the buffer
PLIB_ADC_PairSampleStatusClear Clears the ADC pair ready status flag
PLIB_ADC_PairTriggerSourceSelect Selects the trigger source for the requested ADC pair

Output Configuration

Function Name Description
PLIB_ADC_ResultBufferModeSelect Selects the result buffer mode
PLIB_ADC_ResultBufferStatusGet Provides the buffer fill
PLIB_ADC_ResultFormatSelect Selects the result format
PLIB_ADC_ResultGet Obtains the ADC sample/result value
PLIB_ADC_ResultGetByIndex Provides the ADC conversion result based on the buffer index
PLIB_ADC_ResultSignGet Obtains the ADC result sign
PLIB_ADC_ResultSizeSelect Selects the ADC module mode/result size

Mux Selection and Channel Scan

Function Name Description
PLIB_ADC_MuxAInputScanDisable Do not scan input selections for CH0+ of MUX A
PLIB_ADC_MuxAInputScanEnable Scans the input selections for CH0+ of MUX A
PLIB_ADC_MuxChannel0InputNegativeSelect Channel 0 negative input select for multiplexer
PLIB_ADC_MuxChannel0InputPositiveSelect Channel 0 positive input select for multiplexer setting
PLIB_ADC_MuxChannel123InputNegativeSelect Channel 1, 2, and 3 negative input select
PLIB_ADC_MuxChannel123InputPositiveSelect Channel 1, 2, and 3 positive input select


Function Name Description
PLIB_ADC_AsynchronousDedicatedSamplingDisable Disables the asynchronous dedicated S&H sampling
PLIB_ADC_AsynchronousDedicatedSamplingEnable Enables the asynchronous dedicated S&H sampling
PLIB_ADC_GlobalSoftwareTriggerSet Global software trigger enable/set control
PLIB_ADC_IsrJumpTableBaseAddressGet Gets the base address of the user's ADC Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) jump table
PLIB_ADC_IsrJumpTableBaseAddressSet Sets the base address of the user's ADC Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) jump table

Feature Existence Functions

Function Name Description
PLIB_ADC_ExistsAsynchronousDedicatedSampling Identifies whether the AsynchronousDedicatedSampling feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsCalibrationControl Identifies whether the CalibrationControl feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsChannelGroup Identifies whether the ChannelGroup feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsConversionClock Identifies whether the ConversionClock feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsConversionClockSource Identifies whether the ConversionClockSource feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsConversionControl Identifies whether the ConversionControl feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsConversionOrder Identifies whether the ConversionOrder feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsConversionStatus Identifies whether the ConversionStatus feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsConversionStopSequenceControl Identifies whether the ConversionStopSequenceControl feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsConversionTriggerGroup Identifies whether the ConversionTriggerGroup feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsConversionTriggerSource Identifies whether the ConversionTriggerSource feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsDMAAddressIncrement Identifies whether the DMAAddressIncrement feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsDMABufferMode Identifies whether the DMABufferMode feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsDMABuffersPerAnalogInput Identifies whether the DMABuffersPerInput feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsDMAControl Identifies whether the DMAControl feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsEnableControl Identifies whether the EnableControl feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsGlobalSoftwareTrigger Identifies whether the GlobalSoftwareTrigger feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsInputSelect Identifies whether the InputSelect feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsInternalReferenceChannelControl Identifies whether the InternalReferenceChannelControl feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsISRJumpTableBaseAddress Identifies whether the ISRJumpTableBaseAddress feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsMuxChannel0NegativeInput Identifies whether the MuxChannel0NegativeInput feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsMuxChannel0PositiveInput Identifies whether the MuxChannel0PositiveInput feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsMuxChannel123NegativeInput Identifies whether the MuxChannel123NegativeInput feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsMuxChannel123PositiveInput Identifies whether the MuxChannel123PositiveInput feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsMuxInputScanControl Identifies whether the MuxInputScanControl feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsMuxInputScan Select Identifies whether the MuxInputScanSelect feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsPairConversionControl Identifies whether the PairConversionControl feature exists on the ADCmodule
PLIB_ADC_ExistsPairInterruptOnConversion Identifies whether the PairInterruptOnConversion feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsPairInterruptRequest Identifies whether the PairInterruptRequest feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsPairSampleStatus Identifies whether the PairSampleStatus feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsPairTriggerSource Identifies whether the PairTriggerSource feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsResultBufferFillStatus Identifies whether the ResultBufferFillStatus feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsResultBufferMode Identifies whether the ResultBufferMode feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsResultFormat Identifies whether the ResultFormat feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsResultGet Identifies whether the ResultGet feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsResultGetByIndex Identifies whether the ResultGetByIndex feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsResultSign Identifies whether the ResultSign feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsResultSize Identifies whether the ResultSize feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsSampleResolution Identifies whether the SampleResolution feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsSamplesPerInterruptSelect Identifies whether the SamplesPerInterruptSelect feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsSamplingAcquisitionTime Identifies whether the SamplingAcquisitionTime feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsSamplingAutoStart Identifies whether the SamplingAutoStart feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsSamplingControl Identifies whether the SamplingControl feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsSamplingModeControl Identifies whether the SamplingModeControl feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsSamplingStatus Identifies whether the SamplingStatus feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsStopInIdleControl Identifies whether the StopInIdle feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsVoltageReference Identifies whether the VoltageReference feature exists on the ADC module
PLIB_ADC_ExistsMuxInputScanSelectExtended Identifies whether the MuxInputScanSelectExtended feature exists on the ADC module

Data Types & Constants

Function Name Description
ADC_MODULE_ID Identifies the ADC modules supported
ADC_VOLTAGE_REFERENCE Defines the different ADC Voltage Reference by which the ADC can be configured
ADC_INPUTS_NEGATIVE Defines the different ADC Negative Input Enumeration
ADC_SAMPLES_PER_INTERRUPT Defines the Samples Per Interrupt Enumeration
ADC_CHANNEL_GROUP Defines the ADC Channel Group
ADC_CLOCK_SOURCE Defines the ADC Clock Source Select
ADC_CONVERSION_TRIGGER_SOURCE Defines the ADC Conversion Trigger Source
ADC_RESULT_SIZE Defines the ADC Result Size
ADC_BUFFER_MODE Defines the ADC Buffer Mode
ADC_RESULT_BUF_STATUS Defines the ADC Result Buffer Status
ADC_MUX Defines the different ADC MUX Enumeration
ADC_SAMPLING_MODE Defines the ADC Sampling Mode Select
ADC_INPUTS_SCAN Defines the ADC Scan inputs
ADC_REFERENCE_INPUT Defines the ADC Reference Input Enumeration
ADC_RESULT_FORMAT Defines the ADC Result Format
ADC_DMA_BUFFER_MODE Defines the ADC Buffer Mode
ADC_PAIR Defines the ADC Pair
ADC_CHANNEL123_INPUTS_NEG Defines the ADC Negative Input Select: channels 1, 2, 3
ADC_CHANNEL123_INPUTS_POS Defines the ADC Positive Input: channels 1, 2, 3
ADC_INPUTS_POSITIVE Defines the ADC inputs
ADC_CONVERSION_ORDER Defines the ADC Conversion Order
ADC_DMA_INPUT_BUFFER Defines the ADC DMA Buffer Per Input
ADC_ACQUISITION_TIME Defines the different ADC acquisition times by which the ADC can be configured
ADC_CONVERSION_CLOCK Defines the different ADC Conversion clock
ADC_SAMPLE Defines the size of the ADC sample register
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