SPI Peripheral Library Interface for MPLAB® Harmony v2

Detailed descriptions for this library can be found on MPLAB® Harmony v2 Help and Documentation ( found in the <harmony install directory>/doc folder).

General Configurations and Status Functions

Function Name Description
PLIB_SPI_BaudRateClockSelect Selects the type of clock is used by the Baud Rate Generator
PLIB_SPI_BaudRateSet Sets the baud rate to the desired value
PLIB_SPI_ClockPolaritySelect Enables clock polarity
PLIB_SPI_CommunicationWidthSelect Selects the data width for the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) communication
PLIB_SPI_Disable Disables the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_Enable Enables the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ErrorInterruptDisable Disables SPI error interrupts
PLIB_SPI_ErrorInterruptEnable Enables SPI error interrupts
PLIB_SPI_FIFOCountGet Reads the SPI Buffer Element Count bits for either receive or transmit
PLIB_SPI_FIFODisable Disables the SPI enhanced buffer
PLIB_SPI_FIFOInterruptModeSelect Selects the SPI buffer interrupt mode
PLIB_SPI_FIFOShiftRegisterIsEmpty Returns the current status of the SPI shift register
PLIB_SPI_InputSamplePhaseSelect Selects the SPI data input sample phase
PLIB_SPI_IsBusy Returns the current SPI module activity status
PLIB_SPI_MasterEnable Enables the SPI in Master mode
PLIB_SPI_OutputDataPhaseSelect Selects serial output data change
PLIB_SPI_PinDisable Enables the selected SPI pins
PLIB_SPI_PinEnable Enables the selected SPI pins
PLIB_SPI_ReadDataIsSignExtended Returns the current status of the receive (RX) FIFO sign-extended data
PLIB_SPI_SlaveEnable Enables the SPI in Slave mode
PLIB_SPI_SlaveSelectDisable Disables Master mode slave select
PLIB_SPI_SlaveSelectEnable Enables Master mode slave select
PLIB_SPI_StopInIdleDisable Continues module operation when the device enters Idle mode
PLIB_SPI_StopInIdleEnable Discontinues module operation when the device enters Idle mode

Data Transfer Functions

Function Name Description
PLIB_SPI_BufferClear Clears the SPI buffer
PLIB_SPI_BufferRead Returns the SPI buffer value
PLIB_SPI_BufferAddressGet Returns the address of the SPIxBUF (Transmit(SPIxTXB) and Receive (SPIxRXB)) register
PLIB_SPI_BufferRead16bit Returns 16-bit SPI buffer value
PLIB_SPI_BufferRead32bit Returns 32-bit SPI buffer value
PLIB_SPI_BufferWrite Write the data to the SPI buffer
PLIB_SPI_BufferWrite16bit Writes 16-bit data to the SPI buffer
PLIB_SPI_BufferWrite32bit Write 32-bit data to the SPI buffer

Frame Mode Functions

Function Name Description
PLIB_SPI_FramedCommunicationDisable Disables framed SPI support
PLIB_SPI_FramedCommunicationEnable Enables framed SPI support
PLIB_SPI_FrameErrorStatusGet Returns the current status of the SPI frame error
PLIB_SPI_FrameErrorStatusClear Clears the SPI frame error flag
PLIB_SPI_FrameSyncPulseCounterSelect Selects at which character the SPI frame sync pulse is generated
PLIB_SPI_FrameSyncPulseDirectionSelect Selects the frame sync pulse direction
PLIB_SPI_FrameSyncPulseEdgeSelect Selects the frame sync pulse edge
PLIB_SPI_FrameSyncPulsePolaritySelect Selects the frame sync pulse polarity
PLIB_SPI_FrameSyncPulseWidthSelect Sets the frame sync pulse width

Audio Mode Functions

Function Name Description
PLIB_SPI_AudioCommunicationWidthSelect Selects the data width for the SPI audio communication
PLIB_SPI_AudioErrorDisable Disables the SPI error
PLIB_SPI_AudioErrorEnable Enables the SPI error
PLIB_SPI_AudioProtocolDisable Audio protocol is disabled
PLIB_SPI_AudioProtocolEnable Audio protocol is enabled
PLIB_SPI_AudioProtocolModeSelect Selects the Audio Protocol mode
PLIB_SPI_AudioTransmitModeSelect Selects the transmit audio data format

Transmitter Functions

Function Name Description
PLIB_SPI_TransmitBufferIsEmpty Returns the current status of the transmit buffer
PLIB_SPI_TransmitBufferIsFull Returns the current transmit buffer status of the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_TransmitUnderRunStatusGet Returns the current status of the transmit underrun
PLIB_SPI_TransmitUnderRunStatusClear Clears the SPI transmit underrun flag

Receiver Functions

Function Name Description
PLIB_SPI_ReceiverBufferIsFull Returns the current status of the SPI receive buffer
PLIB_SPI_ReceiverFIFOIsEmpty Returns the current status of the SPI receive FIFO
PLIB_SPI_ReceiverHasOverflowed Returns the current status of the SPI receiver overflow
PLIB_SPI_ReceiverOverflowClear Clears the SPI receive overflow flag

Feature Existence Functions

Function Name Description
PLIB_SPI_ExistsAudioCommunicationWidth Identifies whether the AudioCommunicationWidth feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsAudioErrorControl Identifies whether the AudioErrorControl feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsAudioProtocolControl Identifies whether the AudioProtocolControl feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsAudioProtocolMode Identifies whether the AudioProtocolMode feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsAudioTransmitMode Identifies whether the AudioTransmitMode feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsBaudRate Identifies whether the BaudRate feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsBaudRateClock Identifies whether the BaudRateClock feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsBuffer Identifies whether the Buffer feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsBusStatus Identifies whether the BusStatus feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsClockPolarity Identifies whether the ClockPolarity feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsCommunicationWidth Identifies whether the CommunicationWidth feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsEnableControl Identifies whether the EnableControl feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsErrorInterruptControl Identifies whether the ErrorInterruptControl feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsFIFOControl Identifies whether the FIFOControl feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsFIFOCount Identifies whether the FIFOCount feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsFIFOInterruptMode Identifies whether the FIFOInterruptMode feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsFIFOShiftRegisterEmptyStatus Identifies whether the FIFOShiftRegisterEmptyStatus feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsFramedCommunication Identifies whether the FramedCommunication feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsFrameErrorStatus Identifies whether the FrameErrorStatus feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsFrameSyncPulseCounter Identifies whether the FrameSyncPulseCounter feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsFrameSyncPulseDirection Identifies whether the FrameSyncPulseDirection feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsFrameSyncPulseEdge Identifies whether the FrameSyncPulseEdge feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsFrameSyncPulsePolarity Identifies whether the FrameSyncPulsePolarity feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsFrameSyncPulseWidth Identifies whether the FrameSyncPulseWidth feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsInputSamplePhase Identifies whether the InputSamplePhase feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsMasterControl Identifies whether the MasterControl feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsOutputDataPhase Identifies whether the OutputDataPhase feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsPinControl Identifies whether the PinControl feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsReadDataSignStatus Identifies whether the ReadDataSignStatus feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsReceiveBufferStatus Identifies whether the ReceiveBufferStatus feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsReceiveFIFOStatus Identifies whether the ReceiveFIFOStatus feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsReceiverOverflow Identifies whether the ReceiverOverflow feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsSlaveSelectControl Identifies whether the SlaveSelectControl feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsStopInIdleControl Identifies whether the StopInIdle feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsTransmitBufferEmptyStatus Identifies whether the TransmitBufferEmptyStatus feature exists |on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsTransmitBufferFullStatus Identifies whether the TransmitBufferFullStatus feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_ExistsTransmitUnderRunStatus Identifies whether the TransmitUnderRunStatus feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_Exists16bitBuffer Identifies whether the Buffer16bit feature exists on the SPI module
PLIB_SPI_Exists32bitBuffer Identifies whether the Buffer32bit feature exists on the SPI module

Data Types and Constants

Name Description
SPI_AUDIO_COMMUNICATION_WIDTH Defines the list of SPI audio communication width
SPI_AUDIO_ERROR Defines the list of SPI audio error
SPI_AUDIO_PROTOCOL Data type defining the audio protocol mode
SPI_AUDIO_TRANSMIT_MODE Defines the list of SPI transmit audio mode format
SPI_BAUD_RATE_CLOCK Defines the list of SPI Baud Rate Generator (BRG)
SPI_CLOCK_POLARITY Defines the list of SPI clock polarity
SPI_COMMUNICATION_WIDTH Defines the list of SPI communication width
SPI_DATA_TYPE Data type defining the SPI data size
SPI_ERROR_INTERRUPT Defines the list of SPI error interrupts
SPI_FIFO_INTERRUPT Defines the list of SPI Buffer Interrupt mode
SPI_FIFO_TYPE Defines the list of SPI buffer mode
SPI_FRAME_PULSE_DIRECTION Defines the list of SPI frame sync pulse direction
SPI_FRAME_PULSE_EDGE Defines the list of SPI frame sync pulse edge
SPI_FRAME_PULSE_POLARITY Defines the list of SPI frame sync pulse polarity
SPI_FRAME_PULSE_WIDTH Defines the list of SPI frame sync pulse width
SPI_FRAME_SYNC_PULSE Data type defining the frame sync pulse counter values
SPI_INPUT_SAMPLING_PHASE Defines the list of SPI data input sample phase
SPI_MODULE_ID Identifies the supported SPI modules
SPI_OUTPUT_DATA_PHASE Defines the list of SPI serial output data changes
SPI_PIN Data type defining the SPI pin
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