Function Name |
Description |
PLIB_TMR_AssignmentSelect |
Assigns the specified timer(s) to the selected modules. |
PLIB_TMR_ClockSourceEdgeGet |
Gets the source edge information. |
PLIB_TMR_ClockSourceEdgeSelect |
Selects the input clock source edge. |
PLIB_TMR_ClockSourceExternalSyncDisable |
Disables the clock synchronization of the external input. |
PLIB_TMR_ClockSourceExternalSyncEnable |
Enables the clock synchronization of the external input. |
PLIB_TMR_ClockSourceSelect |
Selects the clock source. |
PLIB_TMR_ContiuousCountModeEnable |
Enables Continuous Count mode. |
PLIB_TMR_Counter16BitClear |
Clears the 16-bit timer value. |
PLIB_TMR_Counter16BitGet |
Gets the 16-bit timer value. |
PLIB_TMR_Counter16BitSet |
Sets the 16-bit timer value. |
PLIB_TMR_Counter32BitClear |
Clears the 32-bit timer value. |
PLIB_TMR_Counter32BitGet |
Gets the 32-bit timer value. |
PLIB_TMR_Counter32BitSet |
Sets the 32-bit timer value. |
PLIB_TMR_Counter8BitClear |
Clears the 8-bit timer value. |
PLIB_TMR_Counter8BitGet |
Gets the 8-bit timer value. |
PLIB_TMR_Counter8BitSet |
Sets the 8-bit timer value. |
PLIB_TMR_CounterAsyncWriteDisable |
Disables the writes to the counter register until the pending write operation completes. |
PLIB_TMR_CounterAsyncWriteEnable |
Enables back-to-back writes with legacy asynchronous timer functionality. |
PLIB_TMR_CounterAsyncWriteInProcess |
Returns the status of the counter write in Asynchronous mode. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsClockSource |
Identifies whether the ClockSource feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsClockSourceEdge |
Identifies whether the ClockSourceEdge feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsClockSourceSync |
Identifies whether the ClockSourceSync feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsCounter16Bit |
Identifies whether the Counter16Bit feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsCounter32Bit |
Identifies whether the Counter32Bit feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsCounter8Bit |
Identifies whether the Counter8Bit feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsCounterAsyncWriteControl |
Identifies whether the CounterAsyncWriteControl feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsCounterAsyncWriteInProgress |
Identifies whether the CounterAsyncWriteInProgress feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsCountMode |
Identifies whether the CountMode feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsEnableControl |
Identifies whether the EnableControl feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsGateCurrentState |
Identifies whether the GateCurrentState feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsGatedTimerAccumulation |
Identifies whether the GatedTimeAccumulation feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsGatePolarity |
Identifies whether the GatePolarity feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExitsGateSinglePulseAquisition |
Identifies whether the GateSinglePulseAcquisition feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsGateSinglePulseMode |
Identifies whether the GateSinglePulseMode feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsGateSource |
Identifies whether the GateSource feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsGateToggleMode |
Identifies whether the GateToggleMode feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_Exists16BitMode |
Identifies whether the Mode16Bit feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_Exists32BitMode |
Identifies whether the Mode32Bit feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_Exists8BitMode |
Identifies whether the Mode8Bit feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsOperationInSleep |
Identifies whether the OperationInSleep feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsPeriod16Bit |
Identifies whether the Period16Bit feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsPeriod32Bit |
Identifies whether the Period32Bit feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsPeriod8Bit |
Identifies whether the Period8Bit feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsPosscale |
Identifies whether the Postscale feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsPrescale |
Identifies whether the Postscale feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsPrescaledAssignment |
Identifies whether the PrescalerControl feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsStopInIdleControl |
Identifies whether the StopInIdle feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsSystemClockStatus |
Identifies whether the SystemClockStatus feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsTimerAssignment |
Identifies whether the TimerAssignment feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsTimerOperationMode |
Identifies whether the TimerOperationMode feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsTimerOscillator |
Identifies whether the TimerOscillator feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_ExistsEventReset |
Identifies whether the TriggerEventReset feature exists on the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_GateCurrentStateGet |
Returns the current level of the timer gate. |
PLIB_TMR_GateEnable |
Enables counting regardless of the corresponding timer gate function. |
PLIB_TMR_GateDisable |
Disables counting regardless of the corresponding timer gate function. |
PLIB_TMR_GateSinglePuleAquisitionHasCompleted |
Returns the gate single pulse acquisition status. |
PLIB_TMR_GateSinglePuleAquisitionStart |
Starts the gate single pulse acquisition. |
PLIB_TMR_GateSinglePulseModeDisable |
Disables Single Pulse mode. |
PLIB_TMR_GateSinglePulseModeEnable |
Enables Single pulse mode and the controlling corresponding timer gate. |
PLIB_TMR_GateSourceSelect |
Selects the timer gate source. |
PLIB_TMR_GateToggleModeDisable |
Disables the Gate Toggle mode. |
PLIB_TMR_IsPeriodMatchBased |
Gets the operating mode state of the timer module based on Period Match or Overflow mode. |
PLIB_TMR_Mode16BitEnable |
Enables the timer module for 16-bit operation and disables all other modes. |
PLIB_TMR_Mode32BitEnable |
Enables the timer module for 32-bit operation and disables all other modes. |
PLIB_TMR_Mode8BitEnable |
Enables the timer module for 8-bit operation and disables all other modes. |
PLIB_TMR_OperateInSleepDisable |
Disables timer module operation when the device is in Sleep mode. |
PLIB_TMR_OperateInSleepEnable |
Enables timer module operation when the device is in Sleep mode. |
PLIB_TMR_Period16BitGet |
Gets the 16-bit period value. |
PLIB_TMR_Period32BitGet |
Gets the 32-bit period value. |
PLIB_TMR_Period8BitGet |
Gets the 8-bit period value. |
PLIB_TMR_Period16BitSet |
Sets the 16-bit period value. |
PLIB_TMR_Period32BitSet |
Sets the 32-bit period value. |
PLIB_TMR_Period8BitSet |
Sets the 8-bit period value. |
PLIB_TMR_PostscaleDivisorGet |
Gets the postscaler divisor information. |
PLIB_TMR_PostscaleGet |
Gets the postscaler divisor information. |
PLIB_TMR_PostscaleSelect |
Selects the output clock postscaler. |
PLIB_TMR_SingleShotModeEnable |
Enables Single-shot mode. |
PLIB_TMR_Start |
Starts/enables the indexed timer. |
Stops/dsables the indexed timer. |
PLIB_TMR_StopInIdleDisable |
Continue module operation when the device enters Idle mode. |
PLIB_TMR_StopInIdleEnable |
Discontinues module operation when the device enters Idle mode. |
PLIB_TMR_SystemClockFromTimerIsActive |
Gets the system clock status. |
PLIB_TMR_TimerOscillstorDisable |
Disables the oscillator associated with the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_TimerOscillstorEnable |
Enables the oscillator associated with the timer module. |
PLIB_TMR_TriggerEventResetDisable |
Disables the special event trigger reset. |
PLIB_TMR_TriggerEventResetEnable |
Enables the special event trigger reset. |