Engineering Technical Notes (ETNs)

Current Tools

Hardware Tool ETN # ETN Description
ICD4 / PICkit 4 Target
Adapter Board (AC102015)
ETN-38 MPLAB® Debugger Adapter Board AVR® Interface Modification
In-Circuit Debugger
ETN-37B MPLAB PICkit 4 VPP Overshoot Modification
In-Circuit Debugger
ETN-36 MPLAB SNAP AVR UPDI/PDI/TPI Interface Modification

Legacy Tools

Hardware Tool ETN # ETN Description
PICkit 3
In-Circuit Debugger
ETN-32 PICkit 3 Operation at Low Voltage:
Applies to Assembly #10-00424-R4 or below.
In-Circuit Debugger
ETN-29 MPLAB ICD 3 VPP Increased Current Sink Modification:
Applies to Assembly #10-00421-RC or below.
ETN-35 MPLAB ICD 3 VDD Slew Rate Modification for Enhanced Midrange VPP-first:
Applies to Assembly #10-00421-R3. Also, applies to PIC12F752 devices.
In-Circuit Emulator
ETN-30 MPLAB REAL ICE Sourcing Power Modification:
Applies to Assembly #10-00401-R1 or below.
ETN-26 MPLAB PM3 ICSP MCLR/VPP Slew Rate Modification:
Applies to Assembly # 10-00359-R9 or below without ECO 2937.
ETN-28 PIC16C5x 28P DIP/28P SOIC PM3 socket modules AC164301/AC164302 modification for current limit Vpp/MCLR during programming.
ETN-31 MPLAB PM3 Socket Module AC164339 modification for dsPIC33FJ06GS101-SO.
ETN-34 PM3 Socket Module AC164335 modification for dsPIC33FJ16GS504-I/PT:
Applies to Assembly # 0-00398.
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