MPLAB® ICD 3 Self Test Using the ICD 3 Test Interface Module


The ICD 3 Test Interface Module board can be used to verify that the MPLAB® ICD 3 In-Circuit Debugger is functioning properly.

MPLAB® ICD 3 Connection to Test Interface Board


Disconnect the Debugger

Disconnect the debugger from the computer and any target.


Connect Test Board

Connect the ICD 3 Test Interface Module to the debugger using the modular cable. The test board is included with the MPLAB® ICD 3 (DV164035), but may be purchased separately (AC164113).

ICD 3 Test Interface Module


Reconnect to PC

Reconnect the debugger to the computer.



Launch MPLAB X IDE. Ensure that all existing projects are closed.


Run Self Test

Select Debug>Run Debugger/Programmer Self Test, select the specific “ICD 3” you want to test, and click OK. Ensure the test interface board and cable are connected and click Yes to continue.


Review Results

View the self-test results in the debugger’s Output window. If the test runs successfully, you’ll see the following:

Test interface PGC clock line write succeeded.
Test interface PGD data line write succeeded.
Test interface PGC clock line read succeeded.
Test interface PGD data line read succeeded.
Test interface LVP control line test succeeded.
Test interface MCLR level test succeeded.
ICD3 is functioning properly. If you are still having problems with your target circuit please check the Target Board Considerations section of the online help.

After the debugger passes the self-test, disconnect the ICD 3 Test Interface board from the debugger.

If any test failed, please enter a ticket on Copy and paste the content of the Output window into the problem description.

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