MPLAB® ICD 4 (DV164045) Introduction

The Microchip MPLAB® ICD 4 in-circuit debugger/programmer is a Programmer/Debugger for Flash PIC® Microcontrollers (MCUs) and dsPIC® Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs), as well as CEC1702 and SAM 32-bit MCUs. It offers cost-effective performance and features a simple and durable design. The MPLAB ICD 4 is Microchip’s fastest, cost-effective debugging and programming tool for Microchip devices. This speed is provided by a 300 MHz, 32-bit MCU with 2 MB of RAM and a high-speed FPGA to yield faster communications, downloads and debugging. It debugs and programs with the powerful, yet easy-to-use graphical user interface of MPLAB X Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The MPLAB ICD 4 is connected to your PC using a high-speed USB 2.0 interface and is connected to the target with a debugging connector which is also compatible with the MPLAB ICD 3 or MPLAB REAL ICE™ In-circuit emulator systems. The MPLAB ICD 4 also works with JTAG interfaces.

Microchip MPLAB ICD 4 Significant Features and Benefits


  • Connects to computer via high-speed USB 2.0 (480 Mb) cable
  • Comes with a standard Microchip debugging connector (RJ-11) and has the option to use JTAG
  • Supports the CEC1702 Clicker board and AC102015 Debugger Adapter Board
  • Programs devices using MPLAB X IDE or MPLAB IPE
  • Supports multiple breakpoints, stopwatch, and source code file debugging
  • Debugs your application on your own hardware in real time
  • Sets breakpoints based on internal events
  • Monitors internal file registers
  • Debugs at full speed
  • Configures pin drivers
  • Field-upgradeable through an MPLAB X IDE firmware download
  • Adds new device support and features by installing the latest version of MPLAB X IDE (available as a free download at
  • Controls brightness of LEDs
  • Includes a test module that can test all communications


  • More and faster memory
  • A Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)
  • No firmware download delays incurred when switching devices
  • A 32-bit MCU running at 300 MHz
  • A buffer memory of 2 MB


  • Receive feedback from debugger when external power supply is needed for target
  • Supports target supply voltages from 1.2 V to 5.5 V
  • Safely power up to 1 A with an optional power supply
  • Protection circuitries are added to the probe drivers to guard against power surges from the target
  • VDD and VPP voltage monitors protect against overvoltage conditions/all lines have over-current protection
  • Programming/debugging pins are physically isolated via relays until the voltage is determined to be safe for connection, programmable resistor value, and direction (pull-up, pull-down, or nonexistent).
  • Controlled programming speed provides flexibility to overcome target board design issues
  • CE and RoHS compliant – conforms to industry standards

The MPLAB ICD 4 supports many, but not all, Microchip devices at this time. The firmware is continually being upgraded to add support for new devices. For the most current list of supported parts, review the latest release notes located in MPLAB X IDE or view them in the Supported Devices tab below. To request device support or to report issues, email: moc.pihcorcim|etadpu_4DCI#moc.pihcorcim|etadpu_4DCI.

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