Installation and Setup

MPLAB® ICD 4 Installation and Setup

  1. Install MPLAB® X IDE, found at A tutorial is available in the MPLAB X IDE online Help that is accessible from the main menu bar Help>Tool Help Contents>MPLAB X IDE Help.
  2. Connect the MPLAB ICD 4 to the computer and allow the default USB drivers to install. For more information on target connections, see Operation.
  3. Select which language toolsuite/compiler you want to use for development and install it on your computer.
  4. Launch MPLAB X IDE.
  5. Use the New Project wizard (File>New Project) to create a new project.
  6. Use the Project Properties dialog (File>Project Properties) to set up options.
  7. Use the Project Properties dialog (File/Project Properties<Hardware Tool>) to select the ICD 4 tool and set up tool options for programming.
  8. Run the project (build and run) from Run>Run Project.
  • The debugger cannot power a target board. An external power supply must be used. See Setting up the Target Board.
  • Each debugger contains a unique identifier which, when first installed, will be recognized by the operating system, regardless of which computer USB port is used.
  • MPLAB® X IDE operation connects to the hardware tool at runtime (Run or Debug Run). Configuration bits can only be viewed in the Configuration Bits window. To set them in code, select Window>PIC Memory Views. Then, select “Configuration Bits” from the Memory drop list, and select “Read/Write” from the Format drop list to enable access to the settings.
  • Refer to the Help file “Getting Started with MPLAB X IDE” for details on installing the IDE and setting up the debugger to work with it.
  • MPLAB ICD 4 Resources Used by the Debugger
  • Quick Debug/Program Reference

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