ICD 4 Recommended Reading

The following Microchip documents are available and recommended as supplemental reference resources.

Multi-Tool Design Advisory (DS51764)

Please read this first! The Multi-Tool Design Advisory (DS51764) contains important information about operational issues that should be considered when using the MPLAB® ICD 4 with your target design.

Release Notes for MPLAB® ICD 4 In-Circuit Debugger

For the latest information on using MPLAB ICD 4 In-Circuit Debugger, read the notes under “Release Notes and Support Documentation”. From the MPLAB X IDE "Start Page", navigate to Learn & Discover>Users Guide & Release Notes. The release notes contain update information and known issues that may not be included in this user’s guide.

MPLAB ICD 4 Quick Start Guide Poster (DS50002538A)

The MPLAB ICD 4 Quick Start Guide Poster (DS50002538A) shows you how to connect the hardware and install the software for the MPLAB ICD 4 In-Circuit Debugger using standard communications and a target board.

MPLAB ICD 4 In-Circuit Debugger Online Help File

A comprehensive help file for the debugger is included with MPLAB X IDE. Usage, troubleshooting, and hardware specifications are covered. This help file may be more up-to-date than the printed documentation.

Processor Extension Pak and Header Specification (DS50001292)

The Processor Extension Pak and Header Specification (DS50001292) booklet describes how to install and use headers. Headers are used to better debug selected devices without the loss of pins or resources. See also the PEP and Header online help file.

Transition Socket Specification (DS51194)

Consult the Transition Socket Specification (DS51194) for information on transition sockets available for use with headers.

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