Requirements for Debugging


To debug (set breakpoints, see registers, etc.) with the MPLAB® ICD 4 In-Circuit Debugger system, there are critical elements that must be working correctly:

  • The debugger must be connected to a computer. It must be powered by the computer via the USB cable, and it must be communicating with the MPLAB® X IDE software via the USB cable. See Debug Tutorial for details.
  • The target device must have power and a functional, running oscillator. If for any reason, the target device does not run, the MPLAB ICD 4 In-Circuit Debugger will not be able to debug it.
  • The target device must have its Configuration words programmed correctly. These are set using MPLAB X IDE.
    • The oscillator Configuration Bits should correspond to RC, XT, etc., depending on the target design.
    • For some devices, the Watchdog Timer is enabled by default and needs to be disabled.
    • The target device must not have code protection enabled.
    • The target device must not have table read protection enabled.
    • For some devices with more than one PGC/PGD pair, the correct pair needs to be configured. This only refers to debugging, since programming will work through any PGC/PGD pair.

When the conditions listed above are met, you may proceed to the following:

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