Setting up the Target Board

Using Production Devices

For production devices, the debugger may be connected directly to the target board. The device on the target board must have built-in debug circuitry in order to debug with the MPLAB® ICD 4. Consult the device data sheet to see whether the device has the necessary debug circuitry, i.e., it should have a Background Debugger Enable Configuration bit.

The target board must have a connector to accommodate the communications chosen for the debugger. For connection information, see Debugger to Target Communication.

The target must be set up for the type of target device to be used.

Using ICE Devices

For ICE (In-Circuit Emulator) devices, an ICE header board is required. The header board contains the hardware that is necessary to emulate a specific device or family of devices. For more information on ICE headers, see the “Processor Extension Pak and Header Specification” (DS50001292). A transition socket is used with the ICE header to connect the header to the target board. Transition sockets are available in various styles to allow a common header to be connected to one of the supported surface mount package styles. For more information on transition sockets, see the “Transition Socket Specification” (DS51194). Header board layout will be different for headers or processor extension packs. For connection information, see Debugger to Target Communication.

Powering the Target Board

There are two configurations for powering MPLAB ICD 4 and the target board:
• The target board is powered via an external power supply.
• The target board is powered through the MPLAB ICD 4, which is connected to an external power supply.

An external power supply, Part Number AC002014, can be purchased here. If you have not already done so, connect the MPLAB ICD 4 to the target board using the appropriate cables (see “Connecting the Target Board”). Then, power the target board.

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