Install Example and Exercise Files

Some examples and exercises may have installation instructions that supersede these. Please read the exercise or example page for any updates to these generic instructions.


While the examples and exercises should work from almost any directory as long as the path isn't too long, we recommend that you create one of the following directories for your specific platform. These are the paths we use in most of the examples and exercise instructions. Using the same path on your machine will help minimize confusion or mistakes.

On the Linux® and macOS® platforms, the MPLAB® X IDE installer will create the MPLABXProjects directory for you.

Operating System Directory for Example or Exercise Files
  Microsoft® Windows C:\MTT\exercise-name
  Linux /home/username/MPLABXProjects/MTT/exercise-name
  macOS Users/username/MPLABXProjects/MTT/exercise-name


Click the link to download the required files (usually found on the page that brought you here). Sometimes this will link directly to a file and prompt you for a download location on your machine. If that happens, just download them to the directory you created in step1, then skip to step 4. Other times, you will be taken to a download page.


If you are taken to, you will see a screen similar to the one on the right. There are three ways you can download files:


To download all files as a single ZIP file, click the Download button at the top left of the file list.


To download an individual folder as a single ZIP file, click the light gray button to its right and select Download from the popup menu.


To download a single file, click the light gray Download link to its right.

Download the files to the directory you created in step 1.

Click image to enlarge.
Click image to enlarge


Go to the directory you created in step 1, where you should have downloaded the ZIP file(s) in step 2 or 3.
Unzip the file(s) using your zip utility of choice. You should end up with a folder with the name of the example, class, or exercise that contains all of the required files.

Click image to enlarge.
Click image to enlarge
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