MPLAB® IPE allows you to import an existing HEX file to the IPE. By default, the importing HEX file feature is enabled.
The IPE then loads the HEX file to the IPE, in the output window, it shows
"Loading hex file. Please wait…"
"Loading code from C:\MTT\TLS0101\_GettingStarted.X\dist\PIC24FJ128GA010\production\_GettingStarted.X.production.hex…"
If the HEX file was imported successfully, the output window of the IPE will show time stamp and "Hex file loaded successfully. See figure below.
Device Selection Before Importing HEX File:
Before importing the HEX file, make sure the device which corresponds to the HEX file is selected. In the above example, the device is PIC24FJ128GA010. If a different device is selected, as in the figure below where device 11AA010 was selected, a memory address warning will occur when the IPE trys to import the HEX file.
Disabling Import HEX File Feature:
Because importing HEX file is enabled by default, to disable it you must first login to Advanced Mode. Click Production Mode option button located on the left side of the IPE window. Check off Allow Import Hex file. Click Log out to return to the Production Mode. See figure below: