Memory Settings

To view and change the Memory Settings in MPLAB® IPE, you must first login to the Advanced Mode. From the Advanced Mode dialog, click on Memory on the left to display the available settings. See figure below:


You can control the memory address and other parameters related to a programming operation. Some of the options in this window are also available on the main screen, for viewing and to provide easy access to these settings.

You'll notice that the Allow Tool to select memories and ranges box is checked by default, meaning the programmer tool sets the memory types and ranges. In addition, the Program Memory, Configuration Memory, and the Program Memory Range fields are disabled. See figure below:


If you uncheck the Allow Tool to select memories and ranges option, the Program Memory, Configuration Memory, and the Program Memory Range fields become available. See figure below:


The table below describes each Memory Setting in details.
Setting Description
Program Memory Range: define the addresses to be used for range programming of the program memory.
Start Address: the starting address in Hex of the program space that will be programmed
End Address:: the ending address in Hex of the program space that will be programmed
Preserve Program Memory Range When the check box is selected, the program memory range specified in the following Program Memory (Start and End Address) fields will not be programmed with any new data.
Preserved Memory Range: define the range of program memory addresses to be preserved. The Preserve Program memory Range check box must be selected to activate these fields.
Preserve Start Address the starting address in Hex of the program space that will be preserved
Preserve End Address the ending address in Hex of the program space that will be preserved
Reset Addresses returns addresses to default settings
Allow Tool to select memories and ranges When the check box is selected, the programmer tool sets the memory types and ranges. If selected, the Program Memory fields are disabled.
Manual select:
Program Memory allows the tool to program program memory
Auxiliary Memory allows the tool to program auxiliary memory
Configuration Memory allows the tool to program configuration memory
Boot Flash allows the tool to program Boot Flash
User IDs allows the tool to program User IDs
EEPROM allows the tool to program EEPROM
Flash Data allows the tool to program Flash data

If you wish to use any of the Preserve Memory Options, first ensure that your code is not code-protected. For memory to be preserved, the programmer reads the section it needs to save, performs a bulk erase of the device, reprograms the device and then rewrites the area that is preserved with what was saved. Therefore, this area cannot be code protected.

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