Power Options

The Power Option is only available when a development tool is connected. Refer to the Setting Up Programmer page for details on how to connect the MPLAB® IPE to the tool. To view and change the Power Options, first Login to the Advanced Mode.

If the tool is not connected, the Power Option button on the left is grayed out. See figure below:


Once the tool is connected, the Power Option button is now available and the Tool drop-down menu shows the Tool's name and serial number. See figure below:


Click on Power to display the available settings. See figure below:


1. Voltage Settings

The Voltages Settings in Power Options vary from different device families. All of the settings and parameters are similar to MPLAB® X IDE.

This voltage is used by the programmer to verify memory. The value should be the maximum voltage for the designated circuit. The default is the device's maximum voltage value.


This is the voltage used to bring the device into a programming mode. Although this is dependent on the device's
programming specification, it may be changed.

VDD Nom:
The default value depends on the device. For example, PIC32 has 3.3V as default VDD Nom.

VDD App:
This is the voltage used by the programmer to verify Flash memory. The default is the device's nominal voltage value.

2. ICSP Options

For more information on the ISCP Options, see the ICSP PDF.

Low Voltage Program
The tool allows low voltage programming (LVP) with certain PICXXFXXX Flash devices. The Flash device selected must be capable of low voltage and programming must be performed in ICSP mode.


Power Target Circuit from tool:
This setting enables the connected tool to power the target.

High Voltage on MCLR:
This setting enables high voltage to be used on a Master Clear Reset (MCLR).

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