Production Mode Settings

In the MPLAB® IPE, users can change the Production Mode settings. This section focuses on how to change the Production Mode Settings, and the detailed description of each setting.

1. Advanced Mode Login

Before you can change any Production Mode Settings, you must first login to the Advanced Mode. Refer to the Advanced Mode Login page for details on how to login to Advanced Mode. After the IPE validates the password to log in to the Advanced Mode, the dialog opens in the Operate option view. This display is similar to the main display, with the addition of option buttons located along the left side of the window. See figure below:


2. Displaying Production Mode Settings

From the Advanced Mode dialog on the left, click Production Mode Option Button to display the available Production Mode Settings. See figure below:


Note that the Production Mode option button now turns green and the Production Mode Setting (See red box below) options appear. The Production Mode Settings dialog enables authorized personnel to select the options that are available during production programming. The options that are selected in the Production Mode Settings determine which menu items will be available under the File, View and Settings menus in the Production Mode. Select the appropriate settings for your production programming project by checking or unchecking the settings. Selecting a check box in the Production Mode Settings dialog causes a check mark to display in front of that option under the IPE Settings menu. A check mark indicates that an option has been set in the Advanced Mode. If the item is available and has a check mark, then the production specialist can control this item by toggling it on or off. In the next section, we will examine individual setting options in detail.


3. Production Mode Settings Descriptions

The table below describes the Production Mode Settings.
Setting Description
Production Mode Settings
Allow Export Hex enables a production specialist to export Hex files If checked, this option displays under the File>Export menu.
Allow Import Hex file enables a production specialist to import Hex files.
Allow Import Environment enables a production specialist to import environments. If checked, this option displays under the File>Import menu.
Allow Import SQTP file enables a production specialist to import SQTP files. If checked, this option displays under the File>Import menu.
Generate Reports enables reports to be generated. If Generate Reports is checked, click on Browse to set the location where the reports will be placed.
Limit the Program Count to If selected, this option limits the pass, fail and total counts to the value that is entered into the associated field. This actually halts further programming operations from occurring. To clear the counts on the main window, click Reset Counters.
Allow “Verify Device ID before Program” under the Settings menu activates this option in the Settings menu and enables a production specialist to control this option This setting is valid only for tools that are capable of performing this function, e.g., MPLAB PM3.
Allow Auto Download Firmware under the Settings menu If selected, this option displays in the Settings menu and can be controlled by a production specialist. If it is not selected, the IPE automatically downloads the latest firmware for the tool, if needed.
Allow “Erase All before Program” under the Settings menu If selected, this option displays in the Settings menu and can be controlled by a production specialist. If it is not selected, the production specialist cannot control this option from the Settings menu.
Allow “Communication” under the Settings menu If selected, this option displays in the Settings menu and can be controlled by a production specialist.
Remove Read button from main window If this option is selected, the Read button is removed from the main window.
Audible notification on successful program completion If selected, this option generates a sound when programming successfully completes.
Allow memory editing and filling enables memory editing and filling of memory. If enabled, this option is accessed in Production Mode from the View>Fill Memory option.
Allow Memory View
Program Memory If this option is selected, program memory can be displayed in the Memory View pane on the main window.
Auxiliary Memory If this option is selected, auxiliary memory can be displayed in the Memory View pane on the main window.
Config Memory If this option is selected, configuration memory can be displayed in the Memory View pane on the main window.
Flash Data If this option is selected, Flash memory can be displayed in the Memory View pane on the main window.
User IDs If this option is selected, user IDs can be displayed in the Memory View pane on the main window. This is only applicable if user IDs are supported by the tool.
EEPROM If this option is selected, EEPROM memory can be displayed in the Memory View pane on the main window.
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