MPLAB® Integrated Programming Environment (IPE) Settings

To view and change the General Settings in the MPLAB® IPE, login to the Advanced Mode. From the Advanced Mode dialog, on the left side of the Integrated Programming Environment v2.10 window, click on Settings.


Settings include four areas:

1. PICkit™ 3 Programming

There are three parts in the PICkit™ 3 Programming Settings. The first option, PICkit™ 3 Programming Speed, is at the top:


You can use the slider to adjust the programming speed (see figure below). This option helps troubleshoot problems by slowing the speed down to allow sufficient time for signal levels to stabilize. The PICkit™ 3 slider will slow down In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™), which may help communication problems brought upon by heavy loading on the ICSP lines. Microchip recommends that these lines are clear of any components. The programming speed control may help to program boards that already have existing components on these lines.


The second part of the PICkit™ 3 Programming Settings is the PICkit™ 3 Programmer To Go setting. Click on the PICkit 3 Programmer To Go button as shown in the figure below.


It then shows the settings that will be applied the next time the Programmer-To-Go feature is used. Enter the name that will be used for the image on the PICkit™ 3 in the Image Name field. Click the Programmer To Go button to activate. Refer to the "PICkit™ 3 In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer User’s Guide", for information on the Programmer To Go feature. This feature may not be supported on all devices.


The last Setting option for the PICkit™ 3 Programming is the Secure Segments. This option is available only for devices with CodeGuard (e.g., dsPIC33FJ12GP202, etc.). Supported by MPLAB® REAL ICE™ Emulator, MPLAB® ICD 3 In-Circuit Debugger and MPLAB® PICkit™ 3 Debugger/Programmer. Select the segments to program (see figure below):
• Full Chip Programming
• Boot, Secure and General Segments
• Secure and General Segments
• General Segment Only



The SQTP option allows you to disable operations. Selecting the check box prohibits further programming if all SQTP values from the specified NUM file have been exhausted:


3. Programming Method

Programming Method option allows you to choose the test mode entry method for devices. This feature is supported by tools that can power the target (except for PM3). This setting refers to the order in which the VPP and VDD voltages will be applied when programming/reading the target device.


By default, Apply VPP before VDD is selected, and recommended. Selecting Apply VDD before VPP is an available option, however, caution is recommended when using this setting because it may have adverse side effects. This option is available only when powering the device from the debug tool.

4. Diagnostics

The Diagnostics feature allows you to save logging messages to a file, with various logging levels. By default, the Logging Level is set to OFF.


To set the message logging level, click on the Logging Level pull-down menu. See figure and the detailed descriptions of each logging level below:

  • OFF: No logging
  • SEVERE: Log severe (error) messages only.
  • WARNING: Log warning messages only.
  • INFO: Log informational messages only.
  • CONFIG: Log configuration information only.
  • FINE: Log some module to module communication.
  • FINER: Log more module to module communication.
  • FINEST: Log all module to module communication.

To save the log file in a folder directory, click on Path button to select path then type the name of the log file.


Enabling logging may severely degrade the performance of MPLAB® X. It is recommended that you do not use this feature without specific direction from Microchip.

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