Examples of SQTP Files For Various Memory Regions

Examples of various memory regions are provided for different devices and settings.

Table: SQTP File Examples by Memory Region

Memory Region Device SQTP settings Generated SQTP file
Program Memory PIC18F1220 Sequential increment:1
Start Address: 0x0
Number of bytes: 2
Number of parts: 5
Access RETLW (0C): Yes
PIC32MX360F512L Sequential increment: 1
Start Address:0x1D000000
Number of bytes: 4
Number of parts: 5
Access RETLW: NA
User ID PIC12F1501 Random values: Yes
Start Address: 0x8000
Number of bytes: 2
Number of parts: 5
Access RETLW (34): Yes
PIC32MX360F512L Sequential increment: 1
Start Address: 0x1FC02FF0
Number of bytes: 4
Number of parts: 5
Access RETLW: NA
Auxiliary Memory dsPIC33EP256MU806 Sequential increment: 1
Start Address: 0x7FC000
Number of bytes: 4
Number of parts: 5
Access RETLW: NA
Boot Memory PIC32MX110F016B Random values: Yes
Start Address: 0x1FC00000
Number of bytes: 4
Number of parts: 5
Access RETLW: NA
EEPROM PIC12F1840 Sequential increment: 1
Start Address: 0x0
Number of bytes: 2
Number of parts: 5
Access RETLW: NA
PIC18F1220 Sequential increment: 1
Start Address: 0x0
Number of bytes: 2
Number of parts: 5
Access RETLW: NA
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