Serialization is a method of programming microcontrollers whereby each chip is programmed with a slightly different code. Typically, all locations are programmed with the same basic code, except for a few contiguous bytes. Those bytes are programmed with a different number (referred to as “key”, “ID number”, or “serial number”) in a program region. Typical applications for such programming are where each unit must have a different access code, as in IoT, car alarms, or garage door openers.
A Serial Quick Turn ProgrammingSM (SQTPSM) file (NUM) contains the serial numbers to be used as each device is programmed.
Microchip devices require that the serial number must reside in contiguous locations, with up to 256 locations. The minimum number of bytes in a line of SQTP should be the Word size of the memory. It can be a multiple of the Word size, up to 256 bytes.