Wi-Fi® Interface

Several advanced wireless communication interfaces, Wi-Fi® for example, can be used in lighting applications. Microchip’s Wi-Fi modules, such as the 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.11b/g/n MRF24WN0MA/MB wireless modules, have been architected to ease integration at minimum system cost. Designing with a module saves much time and effort as compared to designing from scratch with a chip. All module components are tuned for best performance and have been tested for a variety of antennas. You can simply design the module onto your board to go straight to production. Because the MRF24WN0MA and MRF24WN0MB modules are pre-certified, you can save certification fees and engineering time. The MRF24WN0MA/MB modules are designed to be used with Microchip's MPLAB® Harmony Integrated Software Framework. This integrated framework implements the Application Programming Interface (API) that is used for command, control, management, and data packet traffic.

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MRF24WB0MA/MB 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wireless Module Block Diagram


MRF24WB0MA/MB Wireless Module Applications:

  • Lighting
  • Utility and Smart Energy
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Industrial Controls
  • Remote Device Management
  • Retail
  • Medical, Fitness, and Health Care
Device Antenna
MRF24WN0MA Integral PCB Trace Antenna
MRF24WN0MB External

MRF24WN0MA Wi-Fi PICtail/PICtail™ Daughter Board (Part Number: AC164153 )

The MRF24WN0MA Wi-Fi PICtail/PICtail™ daughter board is a demonstration board for evaluating Wi-Fi connectivity using PIC microcontrollers and the MRF24WN0MA module. Advanced IP services such as web server, data encryption (SSL) and FTP features are provided via the free license TCP/IP source code stack available for 8-, 16-, or 32-bit PIC microcontrollers. This board is compatible with the Explorer 16 development board and PIC32 Starter Kit with I/O expansion board.

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The MRF parts tightly integrate the Wi-Fi driver into Microchip's TCP/IP networking stack so that you do not have to download separate Wi-Fi drivers. The development kit includes all of the hardware, software, documentation, and example applications that enable you to prototype a Wi-Fi application quickly. The table below shows the development kits that are associated with the MRF modules and the MCU Platform.

Development Kits MCU Platforms
PICDEM™.net2 (DM163024) + MRF24WG0MA Wireless G PICtail/PICtail daughter board (AC164149) 8-bit
Explorer 16 (DM240001) + MRF24WG0MA Wireless G PICtail/PICtail Daughter board (AC164149) 16-bit
PIC32 Starter Kit + I/O Expansion board (DM320001) + MRF24WG0MA Wireless G PICtail/PICtail daughter board (AC164149) 32-bit
Explorer 16 (DM240001) + MRF24WG0MA Wireless G PICtail/PICtail daughter board (AC164149) 32-bit
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