Mindi Application Examples

MPLAB® Mindi™ Analog Simulator Application Schematics

After MPLAB® MINDI™ Simulator launches, the Welcome Page | Application Schematics window is shown. This window allows you to browse existing application schematics by category (see Figure 1). You can easily navigate through the application schematics directory structure.

During navigation, the breadcrumb area will indicate the current path in the directory hierarchy.

Figure 1
  • The directory-type icon means that you can navigate down in the hierarchy.
  • The Mindi icon represents folders that contain introduction and application schematics associated with the application schematic type. The faded icons point to empty directories and means that a future release of application examples is coming soon.

MPLAB Mindi Linear Amplifier Application Schematics

After clicking on Linear Amplifiers from Application Schematics, an introduction and the schematic files are shown (see Figure 2).

Figure 2

The schematic files have two types of icons:

  • SIMetrix files icon.
  • SIMPLIS schematics icon.

MPLAB Mindi Schematics

Clicking on any schematic file icons opens its schematic. Figure 3 shows an 8th order Butterworth Bandpass filter circuit schematic.

Figure 3

Click View from the top menu to show zoom/scroll options.

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