Code Profiling Window

The Code Profiling window displays function-level instrumentation counts, with timing, for each function entry and return during a sampled interval.

At the top of the Code Profiling window are totals:

  • Time Stamps - Count of every function entry and return sampled during execution
  • Calls - Count of every function entry sampled during execution
  • Time - Duration of sampling (mS)

The data in the Function Time tab shows three sets of data for each function:

Figure: Code Profiling Window


Calls to Function

There are two columns in the "Calls to Functions" data set (shown in pink in the Code Profiling window).

The “Calls” column displays the number of times the function in the “Function” column was called during execution.

The Percentage ” column shows the percentage of the total functions calls were made to the function named in the "Function" column.

Excluded Times

There are four columns in the "Excluded Times" data set (shown in green in the Code Profiling window).

The “Excluded (mS)” is the time spent in the function listed in the “Function” column, excluding the time used by the functions called by the named function.

Example of Excluded Time
If Function F1 calls Function F2 which in turn calls Function F3 the
figure below shows the excluded time.


The “Avg (mS)” column displays the average excluded time for each call to the function.

The “Min-Max (mS)” column shows the slowest and fastest excluded times for the function.

The "Percentage” column shows the percent of the total excluded profile time used by each function time.

Included Times

There are four columns in "Included Times" data set (shown in blue in the Code Profiling window).

The “Included (mS)” column is the time spent in the function listed in the “Function” column including the time spent by functions called.

Example of Included Time
If Functions F1 calls Function F2 which in turn calls Function F3
the figure below would represent the Included Time.


The “Avg (mS)” column displays the average duration of the included function times.

The “Min-Max (mS)” column shows the shortest and longest included amount of included time for each function.

The “Percentage” column display the percent of the total included profile time represented by each function time.

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