MPLAB X Dashboard

The Project Dashboard contains information about the current project which can be useful to the developer. This page shows how to open the Dashboard and extract the data.

Opening the Dashboard

From MPLAB® X's main tool bar Select Window->Dashboard


Unless it has been specifically moved in a previous setting the Dashboard Window will open in the lower left hand corner of the IDE.


Items Found Inside the Dashboard

Once a project has been built the Dashboard Window will display the following information:


Items Found on the Dashboard Border


a Project Properties

ProjectProperties.png When pressed will open up the Project Properties window

b Refresh Debug Tool Status

Refresh.png Will cause the IDE to update the connection status of the selected debug tool

c Toggle Software Breakpoint

SWBP_Enabled.png alternately disables or enables the breakpoint.

d Data Sheet

PDF.gif Opens up a link to a web based version of the datasheet, in PDF form, for the MCU being used

e Help

Help.png Opens up the helpfile for the compiler being used/
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