Make MPLAB® X IDE Run Faster: License Manager

XC License Manager (XCLM)

If the network server is not available, the IDE shows no response when attempting to build. To resolve this problem, the XC license needs to be activated. The following steps describe how to activate the XC license through a command line.

License Activation


Install the MPLAB® XC compiler in Free mode on the machine. XC License Manager (XCLM) will also be installed when the MPLAB XC compiler is installed using the GUI Installer. See Section 2.1 of “Installing MPLAB XC C compilers”.


Open the command prompt on your machine.


To activate a license for a single machine (Workstation), run the command: xclm –actkey ”activation-key” where the activation-key is the key that was provided to you at the time of the compiler purchase.

Note: If XCLM is not in your path and you get an error similar to XCLM is not found or recognized as a command, navigate to the bin directory of the compiler that was just installed and retry Step 3. Example: pushd “C:\Program Files\Microchip\xc32\v1.10\bin”.

Checking License Status

To check the status of the installed license and to ascertain if the license is correctly installed, run the command: xclm –status.

Follow these steps to activate a Network Server License:


Install the compiler in Free mode on the machine (server) which hosts the license. XCLM will also be installed when the MPLAB XC compiler is installed using the GUI installer. See Section 2.1 of “Installing MPLAB XC C compilers”.


Open command prompt on your machine.


Change to the directory of your XCLM installation. Example: pushd “C:\Program Files\Microchip\xclm\bin”.


Execute the command xclm –hostinfo. This gives you the Host Id and the Host Name.


To activate the network license: run the command: xclm –actkey "activation-key" hostid= mac hostname= host where activation-key is the key that was provided at the time of the compiler purchase.

  • hostid is the MAC address of the machine that will host the activated license.
  • hostname is the username of the machine that will host the activated network license.


To check the status of the installed license and to ascertain if the license is correctly installed, run the command: xclm –status.

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