Manually Install Drivers for Real ICE™ or ICD 3

If the driver for the REAL ICE™, ICD2, or ICD3 is not automatically installed, follow these steps to install them manually. The process is similar for Windows XP and Windows Vista, but the steps shown below were performed on a Windows 7 system.


From the Windows Menu, select Control Panel. Then click on Hardware and Sound.

Click image to enlarge.


Under Devices and Printers click on Device Manager.

Click image to enlarge.


In the device manager, under Other Devices you should see MPLAB® REAL ICE™ ( listed (or ICD2 or ICD3). Other items you might see in this category are not related to a Microchip tool.

Click image to enlarge.


Right click on the Microchip tool and select Update Driver Software….

Click image to enlarge.


Select Browse my computer for driver software
Locate and install driver software manually

Click image to enlarge.


Click the Browse… button and navigate to the appropriate driver directory for your operating system.
For 32-bit Windows:
C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLAB X IDE\Switcher\32bit\winusb
For 64-bit Windows:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\MPLAB X IDE\Switcher\64bit\winusb

For 64-bit systems, you might notice that under the winusb directory is a directory labelled amd64. This is the standard category name used for all 64-bit drivers, even if your processor is Intel based.

Click image to enlarge.


Click on Install this software anyway. Microchip has not registered the hardware tools with Microsoft, so this message is unavoidable.

Click image to enlarge.


The driver will begin installing.

Click image to enlarge.


When the driver installation has finished, click on the Close button.

Click image to enlarge.


Back in the Device Manager, you will see a new category called Microchip Tools with Microchip WinUSB Device listed under it. The driver will show the same name for the REAL ICE and the ICDs. In Windows 7, this driver will now be automatically loaded for any Microchip WinUSB device, regardless of which USB port it is connected to.

Click image to enlarge.
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