PC-lint Installation

To be able to use the MPLAB® X PC-lint plugin, you will need to install the Gimpel PC-lint Software. Go to the Gimpel website to acquire this product.

On Microsoft® Windows, running the setup program will copy the PC-lint files onto your hard drive. Running the configuration wizard (config.exe) will configure PC-lint (lint-nt.exe) for your compiler, libraries, editors, and IDEs. It may be run multiple times if you have multiple configurations for which you need support. It will build a batch file for calling PC-lint (lin.bat) and will invoke the appropriate PC-lint configuration files (*.lnt) for your environment. Note that PC-lint error messages may be found in the file msg.txt.

Some important Gimpel PC-lint/Motor Industry Software Reliability Association (MISRA) plugin files are listed below:


The batch file for invoking lint-nt.exe is lin.bat.


The lint-nt.exe file is the PC-lint executable to process the C source file(s) for linting.


The config.exe file is the configuration wizard for PC-lint. This wizard creates a file that contains options to allow PC-lint to process the source code, i.e., using this utility you will be able to select your desired Microchip C compiler.


The co-xxxx.lnt files are included with PC-lint and contain options for using the respective MPLAB XC C compiler with PC-lint.

Currently, for PC-lint to support MPLAB XC C compilers, you will need to follow the instructions in the co-xc8.lnt, co-xc16.lnt, and co-xc32.lnt files for editing lint-cmac.h and include-path.lnt files.

The following is taken from co-xc8.lnt.

// Before you start using this file, please follow the directions to perform these
// simple steps:

// 1 - Include the path(s) to your header files
//      - run xc8 with -v option and copy any -I argument from the output to
//        include-path.lnt (in the same directory where co-xc8.lnt exists).
//        don't forget to use the -i lint option. ex: -i"include-path".
//        Note that any other include directories should be added explicitly.

// 2 - Now include the preprocessor macro definitions specific to the chip you are
// using:
//      - From the output you get in step one, copy all arguments starting with -D
//        to "lint-cmac.h" in the same directory as co-xc8.lnt.
//      - Edit the file to have the form:
//        #define macro_name value // each definition on a separate line


The msg.txt file is an ASCII rendition of PC-lint messages for MPLAB X IDE use. PC-lint message types are shown in the following table:
Type C C++ Warning Level
Syntax Errors 1 - 199 1001 - 1199 1
Internal Errors 200 - 299 0
Fatal Errors 300 - 399 0
Warnings 400 - 699 1400 - 1699 2
Informational 700 - 899 1700 - 1899 3
Elective Notes 900 - 999 1900 - 1999 4

Installing the PC-lint Plugin on MPLAB X IDE

To install the plugin into MPLAB X IDE, follow the instructions in the "Installing Microchip Supplied Plugins" section of the "Plugins Window: Available Plugins Tab".

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