Create a Standalone Project



Launch the new project wizard

Launch the New Project Wizard using one of the following methods:

  • From the Toolbar: Click on the New Project icon Main_New_Project.png, or
  • From the Menu: Select File ► New Project, or
  • From the Keyboard: Ctrl + Shift + N

The project wizard will walk you through the process and prompt you for all the required information. Your selections may be changed after the project has been created by modifying the project's properties.


Choose Project


Choose Microchip Embedded from the Categories column (center).


Choose Standalone Project from the Projects column (right).


Click the Next > button.

Click image to enlarge.


Select Device


Choose the device family from the Family drop-down box.

If you have used MPLAB X IDE previously, choosing Recently Used from the Family drop-down box will filter the Device list to the 3 devices you have used most recently.


Choose your device's part number from the Device drop down box. You may also type in the part number directly, and the list will adjust to the characters you enter.

Click image to enlarge.


Select Header

The wizard will automatically skip this step if a header is not available for your selected device.

If you are using a debug header with your debugger, select it from the Supported Debug Header drop-down box. They are listed by the header's part number.
If you are not using a debug header (i.e. the debugger is directly connected to the target device), select None.

Click image to enlarge.


Select Tool

If you are using a hardware debugger / programmer, you should see a serial number under its heading if it is connected to your system. Click on the serial number to associate that specific tool with your project. It is important to select the serial number itself because MPLAB X IDE permits multiple projects to be open simultaneously, and each one may use a different debug tool. For example, if you have three ICD3's connected to your PC, you could have three projects open and each one assigned to a different ICD3. This makes it possible to simultaneously debug multiple applications in the same instance of MPLAB X IDE.

For software based tools, such as the simulator, you only need to click on the tool's name to select it.

Hover your mouse pointer over the colored dots to see their meaning for a specific tool. Red = No Support, Yellow = Beta Support, Green = Production Tested.

Click image to enlarge.


Select Plug-in Board

The wizard will automatically skip this step if a plug-in board is not available for your selected device.

If you are using a plug-in board to enhance the features of your debugger (usually the Real ICE), select it from the Selected Plugin Board drop-down box. They are listed by function.
If you are not using a plug-in board (i.e. standard debugger configuration), select None.

Click image to enlarge.


Select Compiler

The IDE will display all compilers available on your system that support your selected device. Select the compiler (including version number) you wish to use for building the project.

Click image to enlarge.


Select Project Name and Folder


Choose a Project Name. This will be your project's name as well as the name of the project directory (with a ".X" appended) that the IDE will create.


Choose a Project Location. This is where the IDE will create the project directory.

If a directory with the specified name already exists and has no MPLAB X IDE project files in it, the IDE will use the existing directory for the new project. If the directory does have MPLAB X IDE files in it from another project, the wizard will give an error that must be fixed by choosing a different project name or location. If the directory does not exist, the IDE will create it and use it for the new project.

Click image to enlarge.
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