SCL Reference: Constants
SCL has many ways of representing constants in code.
intVar = 1; // decimal 1
intVar = B"10"; // binary 10
intVar = #8#70#; // octal 70
intVar = #10#10#; // decimal 10
intVar = #16#FFFFFFFF#; // hexadecimal FFFFFFFF
intVar = #16#FFFF_FFFF#; // '_'s ignored!
intVar = 1e9; // decimal 1 billion in scientific notation
charVar = 'a'; // character 'a'
stringVar = "SCL"; // String example
boolVar = true; // enumeration type example
pin = '1'; // pin hi
pin = '0'; // pin lo
Note that SCL does not support any decimal or floating point types. This can lead to some strange situtations. For example to set VDD to 3.5 V use the following
VDD = 3500 mv;