The MPLAB® X IDE includes a powerful discrete-event simulator for:
- PIC®, AVR® and SAM Microcontroller (MCU) Families
- dsPIC® Digital Signal Controller (DSC) Families
The simulator is integrated into the MPLAB X IDE integrated development environment. The simulator debugging tool is designed to model the operation of Microchip Technology's devices to assist in debugging software.
Not all devices in families are currently supported.
MPLAB X Simulator allows you to:
- Modify object code and immediately re-execute it
- Inject external stimuli to the simulated processor - stimulus is the simulation of hardware signals
- Set pin and register values at pre-specified intervals
- Trace the execution of the object code
- Code coverage to detect “dead” code areas
- Extract data for validation
Not all simulator features are supported. See the "MPLAB X IDE Release Notes" for more on supported and unsupported features.