Committing Sources to a Subversion Repository

Updating Local Copies

Ways to update local files are:

  • Right-click a versioned item in the Projects window and choose Subversion>Update.
  • Right-click a listed file in the Versioning window and choose Update.
  • To update all source files, click the 'Update All' icon in the toolbar located on top of both the Versioning window and Diff Viewer.

Resolving Conflicts

MPLAB® X IDE's Subversion support compares your files with repository sources. When your previous checkout (or update) no longer matches the repository HEAD, and the changes that you applied to your local working copy coincide with areas in the HEAD that have also changed, your update or commit results in a conflict. Conflicts are displayed in the IDE with red text and are accompanied by a red badge. In the Versioning window, conflicts are also indicated by a file's status:


MPLAB X IDE provides an intuitive Merge Conflicts Resolver to resolve conflicts. Right-click on the file that has the conflict and choose 'Resolve Conflicts' or Subversion>Resolve Conflicts.


For every conflict, click the Accept button of the revision you want to accept.


Once all conflicts are resolved, click OK to exit the Merge Conflicts Resolver and save the modified file.


Performing the Commit

Commit as follows:

  • From the Projects, Files or Favorites window, right-click new or modified items and choose Subversion>Commit.
  • From the Versioning window or Diff Viewer, click the Commit All button located in the toolbar.

In the Commit dialog box:


Type in a commit message, describing the change being committed, in the Commit Message text area.


The Commit dialog lists:

  • all locally modified files
  • all files that have been deleted locally
  • all new files (i.e., files that do not yet exist in the repository)
  • all files that you have renamed


After specifying actions for individual files, click Commit.

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