To access the Options window, select from the main menu: | Tools > Options (Windows® and Linux®) |
mplab_ide > Preferences (macOS®) |
The Generic Settings tab of the Embedded category contains settings for the location where new projects will be created by default. It also contains a list of options that direct MPLAB® X IDE's behavior during the build and debug processes.
Projects Folder
This setting determines which directory will be used as the default save location when you create a new project. By default, the location is a folder called "MPLABXProjects" that is automatically created in your user directory. The user directory location varies by the operating system. In the case of Windows, it varies by version.
Generic Settings Options
Clear tool output window on the new session
Clear out the contents of the Output window when you begin a run, debug run or upload.
Halt build on the first failure
When building, halt the process on the first failure.
The selected project language tool can be set up to determine which errors are produced. Go to the Project Properties dialog and select the language tool under “Categories”. Then look through the Option Categories to find one that allows you to set up errors, warnings, and/or messages.
Maintain an active connection to the hardware tool
If selected, keep the hardware tool connected always, not just at runtime (MPLAB IDE v8 behavior).
When switching projects with this option selected (e.g., when developing bootloading applications), ensure the tool and device are the same to avoid error messages.
Silent build
Build without generating messages in the Output window.
Enable alternate watch list views during debug sessions
Display three watch view diamonds in the Watches window. Associate a watch view with a watch variable. When you click on a watch view diamond, only the variables associated with that view will be displayed. This feature works like a filter.
Reset @
Select action on reset.
- Main: Stop at main() on reset.
- Reset Vector: Stop at the Reset vector on reset.
Debug startup
Select action on debug start.
- Run: Start execution immediately.
- Main: Stop at main().
- Reset Vector: Stop at the Reset vector.
Default Charset
Select the default character set for the project.