Window Navigation Shortcuts

The IDE uses JFC/Swing keyboard shortcuts to navigate, activate, and select operations in windows in the IDE. The JFC/Swing keyboard shortcuts are not configurable in the IDE.
The following table lists the keystrokes needed for various window operations.

Keys Action
Up arrow Moves keyboard focus to the previous item in a group of items. Navigates to the previous setting in a combo box in a property sheet.
Down arrow Moves keyboard focus to the next item in a group of items. Navigates to the next setting in a combo box in a property sheet.
Left arrow Closes a folder (node).
Right arrow Opens a folder (node).
Ctrl-0 Switches to the Source Editor, if it is open.
Opens the Projects window.
Opens the Files window.
Opens the Favorites window.
Ctrl-4 Opens the Output window.
Ctrl-5 Opens the Services window.
Ctrl-Shift-5 Opens the HTTP Monitor.
Ctrl-6 Opens the Tasks List.
Ctrl-7 Opens the Navigator.
Ctrl-8 Opens the Versioning window.
Ctrl-Shift-8 Opens the Palette.
Alt-Shift-1 Opens the Variables debugger window.
Alt-Shift-2 Opens the Watches debugger window.
Alt-Shift-3 Opens the Call Stack debugger window.
Alt-Shift-4 Opens the Classes debugger window.
Alt-Shift-5 Opens the Breakpoints debugger window.
Alt-Shift-6 Opens the Sessions debugger window.
Alt-Shift-7 Opens the Threads debugger window.
Alt-Shift-8 Opens the Sources window.
Ctrl-Tab (Ctrl-') Toggles through the open windows in the order that they were last used. The dialog box displays all open windows and each of the open documents in the Source Editor.
Shift-Escape Toggles the maximizing of the Source Editor or the present window.
Ctrl-W Closes the current tab in the current window. If the window has no tabs, the whole window is closed.
Ctrl-Shift-F4 Closes all open documents in the Source Editor.
Shift-F4 Opens the Documents dialog box, in which you can save and close groups of open documents.
Alt-right Displays the next tab in the current window.
Alt-left Displays the previous tab in the current window..
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