The main MPLAB® X IDE project Makefile lives at $PROJEC_DIR/Makefile. This is the Makefile the IDE calls. For each configuration in the project, there is also a Makefile-local-$ and a Makefile-$ where $conf is the name of the configuration. The main $PROJEC_DIR/Makefile file will call make again on these configuration-specific files. The Makefile-local-$ contains macro values that are tied to the host where the Makefile was generated. You have the option of not keeping this file if you want the Makefile-$ to work in another system. In that case, you can call make, specifying all the values that are normally found in the Makefile-local-$ to match the host where the make is being run. How to do this is explained later on.
If you recreate the files with prjMakefilesGenerator, the Makefile-local-$ will be correct at that point and will work on the machine where it was run.