
Header Identification

The AC number is used for ordering the Processor Extension Pak, which contains the debug header. However, this number is not on the header, as the board may be used for multiple headers by inserting different -ICE/-ICD devices. To identify these headers, use the following information.

AC Number -ICE/-ICD Device Board Assembly Number
AC162078 PIC18F1330-ICD 02-01896

Header Setup and Operation

This debug header can be used with the following targets:

  1. Customer target board for PIC18F1230/1330 devices. The target board should have an 18-pin DIP socket to connect to the 18-pin DIP socket on the debug header.
  2. PICDEM MC motor control demo board. Use the 28-pin DIP socket on both boards to mount the debug header on to the PICDEM MC board.
  3. PICDEM MC LV motor control demo board. Use the 28-pin DIP socket on both boards to mount the debug header on to the PICDEM MC LV board.

The following sections detail the configuration of the jumpers on the debug header for use with the above mentioned boards.

Customer Target Board

The default configuration is to remove all jumpers.

S1 is not populated and should not be used.

After the debug header is set up, do the following:

  1. Connect the header to the target board.
  2. Power the target board. You should see the red LED on the debug header turn on.
  3. Connect the debug tool to the debug header.
  4. Use MPLAB® X IDE and the debug tool to develop your application.
PICDEM MC/MC LV Motor Control Demo Boards

To run a BLDC motor on the PICDEM MC board or PICDEM MC LV board using the supplied firmware, use the following jumper setup:

Jumper Jumper Setting Jumper Jumper Setting
J1 2-3 JP1 Open
J2 2-3
J3 2-3 JP2 Open
J5 2-3
J6 1-2 JP3 Open
J7 1-2

S1 is not populated and should not be used.

After the debug header is set up, do the following:

  1. Connect the header to the PICDEM MC/MC LV target board.
  2. Power the target board. You should see the red LED on the debug header turn on.
  3. Connect the debug tool to the debug header.
  4. Program the part with the demo code.
  5. Run the program.
  6. Press and release switch S2 on the target board to toggle the direction of the motor’s rotation.
  7. Press and release switch S1 on the target board to toggle between running and stopping the motor.
  8. If the motor stops while reversing from a high speed, there could be an over current condition detected by the system. Reset the system to run the program again.

Header Limitations

Sometimes a header device (-ICE/-ICD) has operational issues or errata. To determine if a device on a header has limitations, see your hardware tool documentation.

Header Dimensions

The figure below lists the dimensions for the debug header. Dimensions are design values in inches.

If the length and/or width of the debug header is too large a footprint for the target board, consider using stand-offs, transition sockets or other extenders in the header connection socket to raise the header above the target.

Figure: Dimensions - AC162078
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