MPLAB® PM3 Pod Hardware

Basic information about the MPLAB® PM3 unit is shown below. For more details, see the MPLAB PM3 webpage.

General Specifications

Component Description
Power Supply 20.3 W Dual Output +3.3 VDC/5 A, +5.0 VDC/0.75 A, w/ 5-pin Mini Din plug
USB Cable USB A-B M-M cable, 6 feet
Serial Cable RS-232 DB9 (1 end male, 1 end female)
ICSP Cable 18" 15-pin, 22 AWG Super Flex Stranded Series 200 wire leads
with 2 x 7 keyed housing
Pin Drivers 40 Universal pin drivers capable of supplying Vdd, Vpp, I/O, Ground
Diagnostics Power supply, CPUs, FPGA, CPLD

Push Buttons (Keys)

The MPLAB PM3 provides four keys for navigation of text on the LCD in standalone mode.

Key Function
<ESC> Return to the previous menu or entry
<Up> Moves the selection bar up one line each time it is pressed
<Down> Moves the selection bar down one line each time it is pressed
<Enter> Performs the selected function

Indicator Lights (LEDs) and Buzzer

Two indicator lights (LEDs) are located on the front of the programmer. A buzzer, for audio indication, is incorporated into the programmer as well.

Status LED Indications

LED Condition
Red Booting up, Programming Failed, Other Error
Orange Working/Busy
Green Programming Passed

Power LED Indications

LED Condition
On Programmer powered
Off Programmer not powered

ICSP™ Header and Cable Pinout

MPLAB PM3 comes equipped with an ICSP pin header and cable. You can locate this under the place where a socket module would be installed. The header configuration can be found in the figure (viewed from above on the MPLAB PM3) and the cable color and signal designations are listed in the table.

Figure: ICSP Header Configuration
Pin Cable Color Signal
1 Violet CLK
2 Green PASS
3 Orange DATA
4 Brown FAIL
5 White LVP/Clock
6 Blue GO
7 Yellow MCLR/Vpp
8 Yellow MCLR/Vpp
9 Red Vdd
10 White with Blue Stripe Test
11 Red Vdd
12 Gray +5V
13 Black GND
14 Black GND
Table: ICSP Cable Pinout

Information on using ICSP for a specific device is described in the device’s programming specification. You can find programming specifications on Microchip website.

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