
This new addition to the site presents application note-like projects that showcase features of our products and provide a platform for experimentation and modification for your own projects.

As projects are added to this section, they will appear in the menu to the left, below the "Get Started Here" link.

There are numerous smaller-scale projects that focus on a single element of a larger project, such as configuring and using an A/D converter. These can be found under the "Projects and Examples" of the "Get Started Here" pages of relevant categories within the site.

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 Projects and Examples

The list below includes projects, examples, and hands-on exercises from other sections of the site. The items on the side menu are typically more sophisticated, complete applications.

Rapid prototyping with 32-bit MCU-based Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit using MPLAB® Harmony v3 Software Framework
Objective and Overview
Low Power Application on SAM D21 (Arm® Cortex® M0+) MCUs Using MPLAB® Harmony v3 Peripheral Libraries
Installing the Trust Platform Design Suite v2
Getting Started with Harmony v3 Drivers on SAM C21 MCUs Using FreeRTOS™
Getting Started with Harmony v3 Drivers on SAM E54 MCUs Using FreeRTOS™
Getting Started with USB on SAM MCUs Using MPLAB® Harmony v3
Getting Started with Harmony v3 Drivers on SAM D21 MCUs Using FreeRTOS
Migrating ASF SAM C21 Application to MPLAB Harmony v3 PIC32CM MC
Arm® TrustZone® Getting Started Application on SAM L11 MCUs
Low Power Application on SAM E54 (Arm® Cortex® M4) MCUs Using MPLAB® Harmony v3 Peripheral Libraries
Generate Mutual Cap Boost Mode Project
PIC18F57Q43 Curiosity Nano and QT8 Touch Board Example
PIC16F18446 Curiosity Nano and QT7 Touch Board Example
Low Power Application on SAM L10 (Cortex M23) MCUs Using MPLAB® Harmony v3 Peripheral Libraries
Create your first Motor Control Application using MPLAB® Harmony v3
SAML11 TrustZone® Touch Project
DIY Useless Box
Getting Started with Harmony v3 Drivers and Middleware on PIC32MZ EF MCUs using FreeRTOS
Creating a Driven Shield Project with MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC)
Touchscreen Interface with maXTouch® Studio Lite
Getting Started with MPLAB® Harmony v3 Drivers on SAM E70/S70/V70/V71 MCUs Using FreeRTOS™
Low Power Application on SAM L21 (Cortex M0+) MCUs Using MPLAB® Harmony v3 Peripheral Libraries
Getting Started with Harmony v3 Peripheral Libraries on PIC32MK GP MCUs
Getting Started With Harmony v3 Peripheral Libraries on PIC32MX 470 MCUs
MPLAB® Harmony v3 SD Card Audio Player/Reader Tutorial
Getting Started with Harmony v3 Peripheral Libraries on PIC32MZ EF MCUs
Getting Started with Harmony v3 Drivers and System Services on SAM E70/S70/V70/V71 MCUs
Getting Started with MPLAB® Harmony v3 Peripheral Libraries on SAM D21 MCUs
Low Power Application on SAMC2x (Arm® Cortex®-M0+) MCUs Using MPLAB® Harmony v3 Peripheral Libraries
Getting Started with Harmony v3 Peripheral Libraries on SAM L10 MCUs
Getting Started with Harmony v3 Peripheral Libraries on SAM E70/S70/V70/V71 MCUs
Getting Started with Harmony v3 Peripheral Libraries on SAM D5x/E5x MCUs
PIC24F ADC Input Example
Getting Started with Harmony v3 Peripheral Libraries on SAMC2x MCUs
Configure Surface and Gesture Harmony v3 Touch Project
Programming a PIC24/dsPIC33 Timer Using Interrupts
Programming the PIC24/dsPIC33 Timer
16-bit Digital Input
16-bit Digital Output Example
Set up the Environment
Open and Execute Touch Example Projects
Generate a Touch Project with MPLAB® Harmony
Configure Datastreamer and Visualize Touch Data using Data Visualizer
SAM C21 SERCOM SPI Slave Example Project
SAM C21 Sigma-Delta ADC Example Project
Generate Mutual Cap Parallel Acquisition Project
SAM C21 SysTick Example Project
SAM D21 SERCOM SPI Master Example Project
Speak to Rotate a Stepper Motor
SAM D21 SERCOM I²C Slave Example Project
QTouch®: Generate Low-Power Sensor Project
QTouch®: Generate Lump Project
Implementing a Bootloader on the SAM D21 MCU
Weather Sensing Station Over Bluetooth®
SAM D21 NVIC Example Project
Push-Up Counter Bluetooth® Application Using EMG Signals
EMG Signal Processing For Embedded Applications
Controlling a Motorized Prosthetic Arm Using EMG Signals
Controlling a Motorized Prosthetic Arm Using EMG Signals
Atmel START: Using the SAM E54 Event System with RTC, ADC, USART and DMA - Overview
Using Atmel START with the SAM D21 MCU UART
Using Atmel START with the SAM D21 MCU ADC and I²C
Atmel START: Introduction Videos with SAM L21 Project Development and Debug
SAM D21 SysTick Example Project
SAM D21 DFLL48M 48 MHz Initialization Example
Generate SAML1x Touch Project
Generate QTouch® Surface Gesture Project
Color Sensing in Embedded Applications
Hello World Project
MPLAB® Harmony v2 USB Audio Speaker (with RTOS) Tutorial
Intro to PTC Hands-On Project
Creating Advanced Applications using MPLAB® Harmony v2
Creating Simple Applications Using MPLAB® Harmony v2
Generate User Board Touch Project
Introduction to QTouch® Project Creation
Import Touch Project into IAR Embedded Workbench
Import Touch Project into Atmel Studio
Generate Microchip Kits Touch Project
Visualize Touch Debug Data using Data Visualizer
MPLAB® Harmony v2 Live Photoframe Tutorial
Creating a Harmony v2 BSP for Your Custom Hardware
SEGGER emWin Audio Player with MPLAB® Harmony v2 Tutorial
MPLAB® Harmony v2 Web Photo Frame Tutorial
MPLAB® Harmony v2 Voice Recorder/Player Tutorial
Harmony v2 USB Flash Drive Audio Player Tutorial
Low-Cost mTouch® Evaluation Kit Example
Using the CLC JK FlipFlop to Control an I/O Port
Using an MCC Generated Interrupt Callback Function
LED Blink Using CLC JK FlipFlop
MPLAB® Harmony v2 USB Audio Speaker Tutorial
8-Bit ADC Auto Update using Timer 6
Curiosity Development Board Example
MPLAB® Harmony v2 SD Card Audio Player/Reader Tutorial
JavaScript Oscilloscope with MPLAB® Harmony v2
BM71 Stopwatch Demo
BM71 GAP Peripheral Demo (Making Connections)
Connecting to a Peer BM70
BM71 Transparent UART Demo (CoolTerm)
BM71 Static Configuration (UI Configuration Tool)
BM71 Transparent UART Demo (Auto Pattern Tool)
BM71 Firmware Update
BM70 Stopwatch Demo
BM70 Transparent UART Demo (Tera Term)
BM70 Transparent UART Demo (Auto Pattern Tool)
8-Bit Using MPLAB® XC8 Built-In Delay
8-Bit USART Serial Communication
8-Bit Timer1 Interrupt Using Function Pointers
8-Bit Timer0 Delay Using Polling
8-Bit Timer0 Delay Using Interrupt
8-Bit Pulse Width Modulation
Controlling an Analog Servo
8-Bit Interrupt On Change
8-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converter
ADC Project Using chipKIT® Wi-FIRE for Harmony v2
BM70 GAP Peripheral Demo (Making Connections)
8-Bit Digital Input
8-Bit Comparator and Fixed Voltage Reference
8-Bit Digital Output
BM70 GATT Server Demo (Public Service)
8-Bit Analog Input Project
BM70 Static Configuration (UI Configuration Tool)
ADC Project Using chipKIT® WF32 for Harmony v2
BM70 Firmware Update
USART Serial Communication
Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)
MPLAB® Harmony v2 Timer System Service Example Using chipKIT® Wi-FIRE
MPLAB® Harmony v2 Timer System Service Example Using PIC32MZ EF Starter Kit
RN4020 Smartphone Basic Demo
RN4020 Device Firmware Update (OTA)
RN4020 Device Firmware Update (UART)
Explore Command Mode
Hello World - Light an LED
Serial Communication MPLAB® Xpress
AN2039 - Four-Channel PIC16F1XXX Based Power Sequencer
MPLAB® Harmony v2 USART Static Driver Example Using chipKIT® WF32
MPLAB® Harmony v2 USART Dynamic Driver Project Using chipKIT® WF32
MPLAB® Harmony v2 Timer System Service Example Using chipKIT® WF32
MPLAB® Harmony v2 Timer Driver Example (Static) Using chipKIT® WF32
MPLAB® Harmony v2 Ports Project Using chipKIT® Wi-FIRE
MPLAB® Harmony v2 Ports Project Using chipKIT® WF32
MPLAB® Harmony v2 TCP/IP Stack Training
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