Energy Management Utility Software Introduction

Energy Management Utility Software


The Energy Management Utility software (v1.3) provides a simple and effective way to evaluate the performance and features of the following Microchip Analog Front End (AFE) products:

Energy Management Utility Software Application Requirements

Software Requirements

Supported Operating Systems: Windows® XP, SP3, Vista, 7, 8, and 10 (32 and 64 bit).
Admin Privileges Required? Yes (During installation only).

Hardware Requirements

USB port.

PC Performance Requirements

Due to the numerous calculations being performed within the software, it runs best on relatively modern PC hardware, e.g., those with multi-core processors. However, this software has been tested on older PC hardware, e.g., Pentium 4 3.2 GHz processor and it performs adequately. If you experience performance issues on your PC, it is recommended that you slow the update speed of the software to allow more time for the internal software calculations.

Supported Boards

Energy Management Utility Software works with the device’s corresponding evaluation board to demonstrate the features and usage of each device.

  • MCP3911 ADC Evaluation Board for 16-Bit MCUs (Part Number: ADM00398)
Microchip Direct
Buy here >
  • MCP3913 ADC Evaluation Board for 16-Bit MCUs system
Microchip Direct
Buy here >
  • MCP3910 ADC Evaluation Board for 16-Bit MCU (Part Number: ADM00425)
Microchip Direct
Buy here >
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