Trace Interface Kit

The Trace Interface Kit (AC244006) for the MPLAB® REAL ICE™ In-Circuit Emulator may be used with PIC32 Plug-In Modules (PIMs) that have a trace connector (see Table). PIC32 PIMs with a trace connector support PIC32 Instruction Trace. For more on PIC32 Instruction Trace, see "Instruction Trace / Profiling".

Table: List of PIC32 PIMs

PIM No. PIM Name Trace Connector
MA320001 PIC32MX 100 P QFP to 100 P PIM Green_Check.jpg
MA320002 PIC32MX USB PIM Green_Check.jpg
MA320002-2 PIC32MX450/470 100-pin to 100-pin USB PIM Green_Check.jpg
MA320003 PIC32 CAN-USB PIM Green_Check.jpg
MA320011 PIC32MX 1xx/2xx PIM Red_X.jpg
MA320012 PIC32MZ2048EC 100-100 P PIM Green_Check.jpg
MA320013 PIC32MX270F256 PIM for Bluetooth Audio Development Kit Red_X.jpg
MA320014 PIC32MX270F256 PIM Red_X.jpg
MA320015 PIC32MX570F512L USB/CAN Explorer 16 PIM Green_Check.jpg
MA320016 PIC32MZ Audio 144 P PIM for Bluetooth Audio Development Kit Green_Check.jpg
MA320017 PIC32MX270F512L PIM for Bluetooth Audio Development Kit Green_Check.jpg
MA320018 PIC32MZ EF Audio 144-pin PIM for Bluetooth Audio Development Kit Green_Check.jpg
MA320019 PIC32MZ EF PIM Green_Check.jpg
* For more information on available PIMs, see the Microchip website
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