External Triggers

Use external triggers to set up hardware triggers using the logic probe cables. External triggers can be used as input to halt program execution when an external event occurs. They can also be used as an output to control external devices.

You will not be able to use external triggers if you are using the emulator logic probe port for another debug feature such as:

Hardware Connections

To connect the logic probe cables:

  1. Plug the connector on the logic probes bundle into the logic probes port on the emulator (see figure). If you do not have the logic probes that came with your emulator, you can order them at Microchip Direct (ACICE0104).
  2. Connect probes to your target. All pins, used or unused, should be pulled up or grounded. Floating pins may produce false triggers.

To use probe pins as inputs, you must provide the circuitry to drive them (see the "Logic Probe/External Trigger Interface" section under "Emulator Pod Hardware").

Figure: Logic Probe Connector

Software Setup

To select functions on logic probe port pins:

  1. Right-click on your MPLAB® X IDE project and select Properties.
  2. Click on the Real ICE under Categories and select the External Triggers option category.
  3. Use the drop-down list next to a Trigger (Trigger 0 through Trigger 7) to set up the function. See options in the table below.
Input Positive Edge Triggered Halt On Trigger
Input Positive Edge Triggered Reset On Trigger
Input Negative Edge Triggered Halt On Trigger
Input Negative Edge Triggered Reset On Trigger
Output High-to-Low Pulse Assert on Halt
Output High-to-Low Pulse Assert on Run
Output Low-to-High Pulse Assert on Halt
Output Low-to-High Pulse Assert on Run
Table: Options for Each Trigger
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