Power Monitor Hardware Specifications

The hardware and electrical specifications of the Power Monitor are shown in the following sections. The Power Monitor board layout can be found under Power Monitor Introduction.

External Power Supply

The Power Monitor external supply (AC002014) is 9 V nominal DC, universal wall mount.

The external power supply provides power to the Power Monitor internal logic and other functional blocks. The Power Monitor includes two fixed regulators, 5 V and 3.3 V, for its internal logic.

The power delivered to the target application comes directly from the external supply. The voltage gets regulated and set to a programmable range, from approximately 1.25 V to 5 V with the MPLAB® X IDE Tool Options for configuring the MPLAB® REAL ICE™ In-Circuit Emulator. The voltage is selectable in 125 mV increments.

Terminal Blocks

There are two terminal blocks that can be used for either the Alternate Target Power or Device Power configuration: CHA and CHB. One side of the block is for Voltage In (VI) and the other side is for Voltage Out (VO).

Power Monitor Indicators

The Power Monitor board has three indicator lights.

Light Color Description
Active (D6) Blue Power monitor system ready/active
Idle (D3) Yellow System on standby – no power applied to target
Ready (D4) Green Path to target enabled (regardless of voltage)

Logic Probe/External Trigger Interface

The logic port on the Power Monitor is a pass-through of the logic port on the emulator.

See "Logic Probe/External Trigger Interface" under Emulator Pod Hardware.

Communication with the Target

The Power Monitor board contains the connections to the high voltage (Vpp), Vdd sense lines, and clock and data connections required for programming and connecting with the target devices.

The Vpp high-voltage lines from the MPLAB REAL ICE In-Circuit Emulator can produce a variable voltage that can swing from 14 to 0 volts to satisfy the voltage requirements for the specific emulation processor.

The Vdd sense line on the MPLAB REAL ICE In-Circuit Emulator is used as a reference only to track the target or external voltage. The Vdd connection on the emulator is isolated with an optical switch.

The clock and data connections are interfaces with the following characteristics:

  • Clock and data signals are in High-Impedance mode (even when no power is applied to the emulator system).
  • Clock and data signals are protected from high voltages caused by faulty target systems or improper connections.
  • Clock and data signals are protected from high current caused by electrical shorts in faulty target systems.

The Power Monitor uses the streaming capabilities of the emulator; therefore, no other data streaming is possible when the power monitor is configured.

Figure 1: Modular Connector Pinout on Power Monitor Board


Figure 2: Modular Connector Pinout on Target Board

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