For PIC32MZ/MK devices without data capture but with instruction trace, the trace mechanism can be used for runtime watches. If you have a device PIM with a trace connector, you can connect a trace cable to enable runtime watches. See Instruction Trace Connections.
If your device does not have a PIM with a trace connector, you can make a connection from your device trace pins to the emulator logic port by following the schematics of the cable connections. See “Trace Interface Kit Specification” (DSS50002531) or PIM with Trace Layout.
The runtime watch can provide data polling which can be used by the Data Monitoring and Control Interface (DMCI) plug-in.
To Install the DMCI Plug-in:
- Select Tools > Plugins.
- Once the Plugins window is open, click on the Available Plugins tab.
- Find DMCI and check the checkbox next to it.
- Click Install and follow the screens.
Also, see the "Add Plug-in Tools" in the "Additional Tasks" section of MPLAB® X IDE documentation.
To Set Up Runtime Watches:
- Build the project (In the Projects window, right-click on the project name and select Build). The project must be built to see the available symbols.
- Select Window > Debugging > Watches to open the Watches window.
- Right-click in the window and select New Runtime Watch. Select the symbol or SFR you wish to watch in the New Run Time Watch window. Click OK.
- Select Tools > Embedded > DMCI > DMCI Window to open the DMCI dialog.
- Set up the DMCI for this runtime watch. See the Help > Help Contents, Plug-In Tools section for the DMCI help file.
- Begin a debug session by following the menu path: Debug > Debug Project. Input data using DMCI controls or view data in a DMCI graphical window.