Radio Frequency Technology

Radio Frequency (RF) and Wireless are two terms often associated together. On these pages we explore RF technology fundamentals that are common throughout each of the wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Sub-GHz, LPWAN, and many more.

Embedded Wi-Fi

Bluetooth® Low energy (BLE)

Radio Frequency Technology


 Frequently Asked Questions

LoRaWAN™ - RN2483 - What are the recommended repeaters?
With 'mac join otaa', does the module try to connect to all gateways around?
Why does my BM78 always respond with "0x04 0x10 0x01 0x10" no matter what I've send to it?
While configuring an RN41 module, why does the module reply with errors?
Which Bluetooth® Classic modules support iOS?
What is the firmware version on RN modules by part number?
What is the difference between BW and rxBW?
What is the difference between BM20SPK/S1 and /A1 part numbers?
What Bluetooth® Low Energy sensor solution using only one microcontroller does Microchip have?
What AVRCP version does my Bluetooth® module support?
What are the approved antennas for the Europe version of LoRa® Mote?
RN52 - Integrated Amplifier Driving 8 Ω Speakers
RN4678 - Enter Command Mode (CMD) Via GPIO Pin
RN2903 - Serial Terminal Configuration
RN2483/RN2903 LoRa® - Firmware Features and Issues
RN2483 LoRa® - If the RF signal pin is not used, does it require any termination?
Reprogramming RN2483/RN2903 Module Firmware Using a Programmer
Radio Equipment Directive (RED) Certification for Bluetooth® Modules
MRF24J40 - Errata - Messages Received on Different Channels with Low RSSI
MLA 2016_11_07 - License - MiWi™ Mesh Demo
LoRa® - Class A, B, and C Implementation
Is it safe to solder an MRF24J40MD module using vapor phase soldering?
If the BM64 module is used for Bluetooth classic (audio) and BLE at the same time, how many BLE links can it have?
How do you work with the mute function in the RN52 module?
How can I modify the IP address in the TCP/IP Lite stack?
Does the RN4677/RN4678 support private or public services/characteristics?
DM990004 - Changing/Moving from Ethernet to Wireless
Where can I find the USB drivers for the RN2483 LoRa Mote?
What Wi-Fi® products provide FTP Server functionality?
RN4870/71 - How do I connect over I²C to an MCU host?
RN41/RN42- How can I change the default serial port settings to contain two STOP bits?
RN2483 LoRa® Mote - Setting EEPROM Memory with '00' Gives 'invalid parameter' Error
RN2483 - How do you eliminate a "no_free_ch" error?
Programming a BM23 on a Custom Board
Microchip LoRa® Gateway Will Not Connect to the Server
How do you perform a firmware update on a product board with the RN42/RN41?
How do you determine the differences between various versions of Bluetooth® firmware?
How can I check CRC of received message on RN2483?
Can the RN2483 LoRa® module be loaded with a custom application or can it only be used as a modem?
What are the exact dimensions of a RN-171 antenna?
What are the connection parameters for a Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) link and how do they affect performance?
What antenna does BM70/RN4870 use?
RN42 - S7,1 Command Produces ERR Response
Product Differences - BM20 Variants
LoRa® RN2xx3 - How to Obtain OTAA Activation Parameters
LoRa® - How can I tell if I am still joined to the network?
How to Use/Configure GPIO Pins on an RN2483 Device
How to Obtain the ZigBee® Smart Energy Profile (SEP) Suite
How do you enable audio output on I²S™ using an RN52 module?
How do you configure the BM70/71 modules?
How do I locate the EUI for RN2483?
How do I connect an RN4x module with an Android™ device?
How do I change the Status LED behavior on a BM module?
How do I automatically set the baud rate on a LoRa® module?
DM182017 - Why am I getting harmonics when using a fob transmitter during transmission?
Microchip LoRa® Gateway - Is the source code available for the LoRa Gateway?
How to Select Bluetooth® Classic or Bluetooth Low Energy
How can you get the longest distance or highest bit rate with LoRa®?
Host Controller Interface (HCI) Access for RN42
Does the RN4870 Bluetooth® module support the Data Length Extension (DLE) feature?
Does the DV164140 LoRa® Technology Evaluation Kit support 433 MHz?
RN52 Bluetooth® Audio Evaluation Kit - Additional Documentation
RN2483 LoRa® Mote Information
Is it possible to use RN4678APL-V/RM100 in place of RN4678-V/RM100 as a pin-to-pin replacement?
MiWi™ Protocol - Channel Interference Risk and Latency Due to Channel Scanning and Hopping Techniques
What is the range of the BM78 module?
Multiple COM ports generated after establishing a Bluetooth Classic connection
Can the GPIO9 pin from the RN2483 Mote be used to wake up the host MCU?
Can the BM64 accept external audio signals via I²S™?
Where can wireless module certifications be found?
When can I send a new command over UART on RN4xxx Bluetooth® modules?
Can I automatically rejoin the LoRaWAN™ server after power on?
Can I add custom tones, notification sounds, or tunes to BM2X modules?
Can the BM20 or BM23 function as an A2DP source (master) to stream audio to a sink device?
Can I alter the keep out areas for RF modules?
BM77 - What is the LED1 pin (pin 30) current rating?
BM20 - Is it possible to run HFP and SPP profiles simultaneously?
Bluetooth® modules - PCB design recommendations
Bluetooth® - My module is disconnecting right after connecting to a device (smartphone)
Bluetooth® - Licenses and fees. What do I have to do to license a new design?
Why isn't the Bluetooth® Low Energy Module accepting the scanning command?
What is the typical reach of the BM64?
Are MRF24WN modules supported in the MLA?
Do any of the Microchip Wi-Fi® modules support Wireless Multimedia (WMM) either through the TCP/IP Stack or the module itself?
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