SecureIoT1702 Programming and Debugging

The CEC1702 device’s program and data memory are RAM-based. On power-up, a ROM bootloader on the device loads the application code from the external Serial Flash on the SecureIoT1702. Debugging is accomplished by loading the target code into RAM directly using a JTAG debugger. Programming is accomplished by programming the code image into the Serial Flash.


The SecureIoT1702 exposes the CEC1702’s JTAG debug interface through the X6 header. You can debug your application using a JTAG Debugger such as the Keil ULINKpro with the 10-pin Cortex Debug Connector.


The CEC1702 firmware application is stored in the external SPI Flash device. A programmer header is added for using an external SPI Flash programmer (such as Dediprog SF100) to program the firmware application.

When programming the SPI Flash device using an external SPI programmer, the CEC1702 must be in the reset state by holding the RESETI# pin low. The way this is done depends on the version of the SecureIoT1702 demo board:

  • Version B2.1: Use the X2 jumper.
  • Version B2.0: If the X2 jumper is not present, use a jumper to connect pin 2 to pin 4 of X12. This will prevent the firmware from loading via SPI during Power-On Reset and stall the CEC1702. You can then switch to the external SPI programmer to program the application firmware.
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