UART Configuration Block
UART Configuration block configures the selected UART peripheral.

When used in a Simulink® model, the Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART) Configuration Block displays a summary of its main configuration settings:

  • The peripheral instance for the block configuration (i.e., UART 1 Config).
    • Multiple Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) configuration block configures multiple UART.
  • Current baud rate setting and relative baud rate error for the achieved baud rate.
  • Bytes per fundamental Simulink time (the maximum number of bytes that could be physically sent or received within one Simulink fundamental time step).

An implementation with buffer allows more bytes to be sent or received, but the average byte or step should not go beyond that reference value.

Main Tab

The Main tab contains configuration parameters for the UART channel selected.

The total number of UART channels are displayed in the Ref UART drop-down list. Each UART channel used must have a corresponding configuration block.

The Current Baud value (indicated in brackets) is the exact baud rate achieved. The baud rates' popup field shows the error in percentage (+/- %) reach for the listed baud rate. You can specify non-standard UART baud rates by selecting the Custom option from the drop-down list. A text field to write the targeted baud rate will appear. The error for this user-defined baud rate is shown.

The Rx/Tx Pin drop-down shows pin mapping possibilities for the targeted microcontroller. Some microcontrollers do not have this feature. When Do not implement Tx (or Rx) is selected, the pin selected as Tx (or Rx) in the Main tab will not be used.

Click image to enlarge.
UART Configuration: Main tab

TX Tab

The TX tab contains transmitter implementation parameters. The Implementation drop-down provides four choices:
• Do not implement Tx
• Simplest (xx bytes internal buffer only)
• Circular Buffer
• DMA Ping-Pong Mode
• DMA single Buffer (Possible data loss)

Direct Memory Access (DMA) options are shown for microcontrollers that support DMA. The DMA Ping-Pong Mode uses two buffers that are initialized and filled-in alternatingly. The first buffer is sent when it is completely full. With DMA single Buffer, only one buffer is used. With one buffer, the Rx block is not allowed to buffer new data during the short time during which the DMA buffer is being transmitted. This results in a loss of data. Double buffering makes it more robust at the expense of a second buffer.

Click image to enlarge.
UART Configuration: Tx tab

Advanced Tab

The Advanced tab provides further options. Communication mode can be set to full-duplex or half-duplex from the Duplex drop-down list. In Half-duplex mode, the UART is implemented using dynamic reconfiguration of the Rx/Tx pins to allow bi-directional serial communication using a single wire. The UART logic levels can be inverted separately for Rx and Tx pins by enabling the Invert Rx Pin logic or the Invert Rx Pin logic options.

Other configurable UART parameters are provided in the Parity, Stop bit, and Hardware Flow Control lists. Enabling the IrDA mode provides a mechanism for converting the UART serial interface to an infrared interface. However, the Hardware Flow Control is not available in the IrDA mode.

Click image to enlarge.
UART Configuration: Advanced tab

Initialisation Sequence Tab

The Send an Initialisation sequence on the UART option under the Initialisation Sequence tab allows you to initialize a Slave device at startup. Typically, a Slave, with volatile memory only, might always start with a given baud rate. This option allows you to send a user-defined initialization sequence with different UART settings.

A use case is a GPS module or radio link module that always starts with a baud rate of 38400. The initialization sequence switches the device to your nominal baud rate (e.g.,115200 is sent first at 38400), then the UART peripheral is switched to the nominal baud rate to communicate with this slave device. This initialization sequence is sent only once at microcontroller startup.

Click image to enlarge.
UART Configuration: Initialisation Sequence tab
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