MPLAB® Snap vs. MPLAB® PICkit™ 4

The following tables compare the MPLAB® Snap In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer to the MPLAB® PICkit™ 4 In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer.

Table 1: Features Comparison
Feature MPLAB Snap MPLAB PICkit 4
Enclosure No, exposed PCB Yes
USB Powered Yes Yes
USB Speed High High
USB Cable supplied No Yes
Programmable Vpp No Yes
Programmable Vdd No Yes
Emulator Power No Yes
Power to Target No Yes - 50 mA
Voltage Monitoring No Yes
Current Sensing No Yes
Target Power Yes Yes
Target Voltage Boost No Yes
RGB Indicators LED Yes
Software Breakpoints Yes Yes
Breakpoints Complex Complex
Buffered Pin Drivers Yes Yes
Configurable pull-ups No Yes
Drag and Drop Programming Yes Yes
Programmer to Go No Yes
Production Programmer No Yes
Products Supported Most Flash MCUs All Flash MCUs
Pay-Per-Feature No Yes
I²C DGI Yes Yes
SEE configuration (boot) Yes Yes
USB Serialization Yes Yes
Recovery Method PCB pads Pushbutton
Table 2: Interfaces Comparison
Interface MPLAB Snap MPLAB PICkit 4
ICSP™ Yes Yes
MIPS EJTAG 2wire Yes Yes
MIPS EJTAG 4wire Yes Yes
ARM® SWD Yes Yes
AVR® 32 JTAG 4wire Yes Yes
PDI Yes, low voltage only Yes
UPDI Yes, low voltage only Yes
TPI Yes Yes
ISP Programming Yes Yes
debugWIRE Yes Yes
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