MIC24045 Synchronous Step Down Regulator

MIC24045 Synchronous Step-Down Regulator With I²C


The MIC24045 is an I²C-programmable, high-efficiency, wide input range, 5 A synchronous step-down regulator. The MIC24045 is perfectly suited for multiple voltage rail application environments, typically found in computing and telecommunication systems. In the MIC24045 various parameters can be programmed via I²C, such as output voltage, switching frequency, soft-start slope, margining, current limit values and start-up delays. The wide switching frequency adjustment range, valley-current mode control technique, high-performance error amplifier, and external compensation allow for the best trade-offs between high efficiency and the smallest possible solution size.

The MIC24045 supports extensive diagnostics and status information through I²C. The MIC24045 pin-out is compatible with the MIC24046 pin-strapping programmable regulator pin-out, such that I²C-based implementations can be easily converted into pin-programmable ones. The MIC24045 is available in thermally-efficient, space-saving 20-pin 3 mm x 3 mm FQFN package with an operating junction temperature range from -40 °C to +125 °C.

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MIC24045 Synchronous Step-Down Regulator Application

  • Servers, Data Storage, Routers and Base Stations
  • FPGAs, DSP and Low-Voltage ASIC Power

MIC24045 Pin Function Table

Pin Number Symbol Pin Function
1, 2 VIN Input Voltage Pin
3, 4, 13 PGND Power Ground Pin
5, 6 LX Switch Node Pin
7 BST Bootstrap Capacitor Pin. A bootstrap capacitor is connected between the BST and LX pins.
8 PG Power Good Open-Drain Output Pin
9 ADR0 I²C Address Programming Pin 0
10 ADR1 I²C Address Programming Pin 1
11 SCL I²C Clock Input Pin
12 SDA I²C Data Input/Output Pin
14 AGND Analog Ground Pin
15 COM Transconductance Error Amplifier Output Pin. Connect the compensation network from COMP to AGND.
16 OUTSNS Output Sensing Pin
17 EN Precision Enable Input Pin
18 VDDA Internal Regulator Output Pin
19 VDDP MOSFET Drivers Internal Supply Pin
20 VINLDO Internal Regulator Input Pin
21 VIN_EP VIN Exposed Pad. Electrically connected to VIN.
22 PGND_EP PGND Exposed Pad. Electrically connected to PGND.
23 LX_EP LX Exposed Pad. Electrically connected to LX.

MIC24045 Register Map

Register Address Register Name Type B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0
0h STATUS RO OCF ThSDF ThWrnF Reserved EnS Reserved Reserved PGS
1h Setting1 RW ILIM1 ILIM0 Freq2 Freq1 Freq0 Reserved Reserved Reserved
2h Setting2 RW Reserved SUDly2 SUDly1 SUDly0 Mrg1 Mrg0 SS1 SS0
4h Command RW Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved ClFF

MIC24045 Evaluation Kit (Part Number: ADM00764)


The MIC24045 Evaluation Board is designed to serve all of the devices that make up Microchip’s MIC2404x family of parts. As a result, only a subset of its features is needed for the MIC24045 evaluation. Specific for the evaluation of the MIC24045 device, the VIN supply ranges from 4.5 V to 19 V and output voltage from 0.64 V to 5.25 V in 5 mV, 10 mV, 30 mV and 50 mV steps at 5 A. Additionally, an on-board load transient generator circuit and connections for loop gain measurements are provided. A connector (J10) matching the MCP2221 Breakout Module I²C interface is provided for board compatibility with I²C.

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